Hello guys!
I'm writing a simple batch file to make my life easier when reinstalling Windows, tried to include a silent installation of AMD drivers but don't seems to be working.
The PC that i'm testing have an ASRock B450m and a Ryzen 5600G (APU disabled), but it also have a Nvidia GPU, when looking at the logs this information may be important.
My process so far:
1- Getting the extracted files by manually starting the installer or opening it with 7-zip.
2- Copied the extracted files to my custom package location (Once finished i want to compress it into a SFX executable).
3- Used this command line:
start "adren" /wait /d "2.drivers\adren\" "setup.exe" -INSTALL -LOG setup.log
My results so far:
- Manual install lists 6 drivers and installs the Chipset Software.
- Including the -INSTALL parameter still starts the setup, but don't seems to install anything. (I will resume some lines
2023-04-27::14:44:46::193 InstallMan::InstallMan :5366 addl init happened
2023-04-27::14:44:46::193 InstallMan::InstallMan :5367 Starting install: "F:\Aplicativos\Genesis AIO Basics\2.drivers\adren\BIN64\AtiSetup.exe" -LOG SETUP.LOG -INSTALL
2023-04-27::14:44:46::201 InstallMan::performMyState :4747 performMyState: IM_DETECTION
2023-04-27::14:44:46::261 CParsePackageData::parseBulidHighletXML :173 --InfoParser -> parseBulidHighletXML CNVersions Whitelist:
2023-04-27::14:44:46::261 CParsePackageData::parseBulidHighletXML :186 --InfoParser -> parseBulidHighletXML : 19.20 [up to]
2023-04-27::14:44:46::261 CParsePackageData::parseBulidHighletXML :186 --InfoParser -> parseBulidHighletXML : 22.40
2023-04-27::14:44:46::261 CParsePackageData::parseBulidHighletXML :239 --InfoParser -> parseBulidHighletXML Release: 17.10,17.20,17.30,17.40,17.50 [up to]
2023-04-27::14:44:46::261 CParsePackageData::parseBulidHighletXML :239 --InfoParser -> parseBulidHighletXML Release: 22.10,22.20,22.40
2023-04-27::14:44:46::262 CDetectionMgr::parseBuildHighletsXML :2812 --CDetectionMgr ->BuildHighlight JSON parsed successfully
2023-04-27::14:44:49::763 IsSnapSettingEligible :5592 Radeon setting is not running. System is not eligible for snap settings.
2023-04-27::14:44:49::767 InstallMan::isDisplayDriverEligibleToInstall :6094 Display driver not Eligible to Install
2023-04-27::14:44:49::767 isWindowsServiceStopped :4102 Queried Windows Update Status: 1
2023-04-27::14:44:49::767 pauseWindowsUpdate :5268 Windows Update is currently not running
2023-04-27::14:44:49::769 CDetectionMgr::getPrimaryGarphicCardandOsInfo :2317 ---CDetectionMgr -> -
2023-04-27::14:44:49::769 InstallMan::getUIInfo :1987 Unable to find drivers for your system check DLL LOGS for more info
2023-04-27::14:44:49::769 InstallMan::downloadExtractChipset :428 downloadExtractChipset:-
2023-04-27::14:44:49::769 InstallMan::downloadExtractChipset::<lambda_1>::op:489 downloadExtractChipset:- pointing to AMD Production Test Server =https://drivers.amd.com/drivers/installer/chipset/chipset.txt
2023-04-27::14:44:49::770 InstallMan::downloadExtractChipset :525 downloadExtractChipset:- chipsetZipDestPath=C:\Users\TAVINH~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Chipset.zip
2023-04-27::14:44:49::770 InstallMan::downloadExtractChipset :527 downloadExtractChipset:- downloadFileFromInternet from=https://drivers.amd.com/drivers/installer/chipset/chipset.txt
2023-04-27::14:44:49::949 InstallMan::downloadExtractChipset :532 download chipset dll:- Failed to download file from https://drivers.amd.com/drivers/installer/chipset/chipset.txt , try referral!
2023-04-27::14:44:50::062 InstallMan::downloadExtractChipset :547 start to extract chipset.zip
2023-04-27::14:44:50::125 InstallMan::downloadExtractChipset :551 extraction chipset.zip completed
2023-04-27::14:44:50::125 InstallMan::downloadExtractChipset :627 downloadExtractChipset:- LoadLibrary=C:\Users\TAVINH~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Chipset.dll
2023-04-27::14:44:50::156 InstallMan::downloadExtractChipset :643 downloadExtractChipset:- GetProcAddress=GetIChipset
2023-04-27::14:44:50::156 InstallMan::downloadExtractChipset :654 downloadExtractChipset:- GetIChipset address located
2023-04-27::14:44:50::512 InstallMan::downloadExtractChipset :667 downloadExtractChipset:- Hacking m_pLPIChipset->isNewPackageNeeded()=1
2023-04-27::14:44:50::516 InstallMan::downloadExtractChipset :695 download chipset exe:- from https://drivers.amd.com/drivers/installer/chipset/AMD_Chipset_Software.exe
2023-04-27::14:44:53::877 InstallMan::downloadExtractChipset :703 downloadExtractChipset:-Downloaded chipset exe at C:\AMD\Chipset_Installer\Chipset.exe
2023-04-27::14:44:53::877 InstallMan::downloadExtractChipset :730 downloadExtractChipset:- Display Driver not eligible, launching standalone chipset installer
2023-04-27::14:44:53::878 InstallMan::performMyState :5177 ERROR --- InstallMan -> Caught an AMD Exception. Error code to display to user: 182. Debug hint: "Unable to find drivers for your system"
2023-04-27::14:44:54::205 InstallMan::~InstallMan :5374 Install has completed. Cleaning up.
Error 182, need the apu enabled & probably connected to a monitor?
Maybe CLI user guide can help https://www.amd.com/system/files/documents/radeon-software-command-line-installation-user-guide.pdf
Never used cli, so that's all i can offer.
It does seems that the problem is because no AMD graphics hardware is detected.
But it don't make sense to haul the installation because of this, many systems can be an AMD platform with Nvidia GPU.
Unfortunately CLI user guide don't have any option to ignore not detected hardware