I search the 692F in the PCI database,its S7150V,but the VM can not identify it!!
GPU status on the host
s7150 pci_id
the MxGPU s7150v pci_id
I tried all the driver packages on the AMD web-site,they all can not identify the graphics card
Not sure if this will help, try giving VM direct access to the PCI-E device. Usually such settings are in the BIOS.
My VM can direct access to both physical GPU and the VGPU;but the physical GPU can be identified as S7150 ,the VGPU cant;because the PCI_id is different
If u use Horizon View or vSphere, support vGPU is definitely there. In the case of dedicated cores on AMD video cards, it's not always perfect. Or the implementation of support for amd vgpu on KVM is not complete, i mean only for AMD. I think that on KVM, this question becomes more individual. Perhaps it would be better to use a graphics card from Nvidia, in this case.
Hello, I also encountered the same problem as you (windows7), all seemingly no problem, but it is unable to call the driver. Excuse me, you find the problem now? And what is the solution? Thank you