Since the Adrenaline drivers (17.12.X) I've been having strange behavior of certain terrain textures. . Behaviors include:
- The terrain texture glitches and starts bouncing.
- The terrain texture disappear and is no longer visible.
- The terrain glitches once, bounces, disappear and fails to load.
I been having this problem across multiple games including:
- Battlefield 1
- Dragon Age Inquisition
- Ghost Recon Wildlands
I haven't been able to find similar problem elsewhere and I am rather confused since it happens in at least 3 different games and 2 radically different engines.
The problem goes away after restarting the game but reappears randomly.
Note: I have reinstalled the 17.11 drivers which seem somewhat more stable. I always install drivers using Guru3D uninstall driver utility in safe mode