Running StoreMI version Once my cache builds up to 100%, my StoreMI device (2TB HDD and 120GB SSD) goes offline with the "red dot" error.
Previous versions would stay online at 100% cache space used, albeit with a lot of issues running programs (ex. access errors, missing textures, etc.); those errors were usually my cue that my cache was full and it was time to clear and all would work well again. Now it just completely goes offline. This is a new win 11 install, with updated bios and chipset drivers. 3900X, Asrock X570M Pro4.
I have a longstanding feature request to add a simple "automatic cache clearing" option to StoreMI. StoreMI shouldn't have to break and corrupt my data before I have to manually clear cache. A simple dropdown threshold setting like "Auto clear cache at 70%, 80%, 90%, or 100% full" would be a perfect feature to keep users from having to worry about their StoreMI cache levels (and when it will get full) and having to manually press the "clear cache" button.