So I decided to try out the new StoreMI software with my fresh Win 10 system. But this new version seems to be really nasty. I already noticed that there are a lot of other users who have similar problems with BSOD faults after installing this new version. My problem with it seems to be a little bit different than those. I don't get nonstop BSODs but ONLY when I launch my Nox Android Emulator from my spanned NVMEs that are installed on my M.2 and PCIe 3.0 x4 slots.
The StoreMI drive itself is configured to my 3 TB SATA HDD and a 250 SATA\600 SSD which should have nothing to do my NVMEs, but I guess StoreMI changes out all the storage controllers. I hope you guys can resolve this problem soon with a hotfix or offer an older more stable version in the near future for StoreMI.
My System specs:
StoreMI Logs:!AmzWOIECp9jPgaAMOoS5jWVFphouoQ?e=oGBh4Z
Mini Dump of the BSODs:!AmzWOIECp9jPgaANXdTCC4WBM0JqNA?e=Fjk8D1