Hi I have the exact same problem and thought I was going crazy, since nobody else seemed to have it.
I turned off hardware acceleration, but it only helped partially.
I am running a 7900GRE from asrock, 5700x3d, 32gb of ram, a 750W PSU and a MSI motherbaord.
I don't have much software installed except for some games and the MSI rgb software.
did you find any permanent solution or do you see any similarities between our builds that might help find the issue?
The issue, is the 24H2 windows version.
I had the same issue and after searching for a while, found the answer. Just downgrade to 23H2. I did that and the issue is completely gone. It's an annoying process, but it's the only solution that fixed it.
okay, thank-you a lot for the tip 🙂
But as much as I know, downgrading to the 23h2 version is easier said than done without reinstalling windows from a 23h2 iso, since the 10 day rollback period is over, right?
So either I sit through the freezes and hope that Microsoft, the 3rd most valuable company in the world fixes their operating system, that I had to pay for, or I completely reinstall windows again with an "outdated" version?
And there's nothing else I can do?
At least I know now that it's not my hardware's fault.
Thanks a lot though, you are the first person to have actually given me a direct cause, it's just annoying that I can't do much about it without reinstalling windows... again
yea, it isn't a hardware issue, and as far as I know, the only fix is 23h2, and yes, I also found an iso file and reinstalled windows.
It's annoying and time consuming, but after trying to "deal with it" for a couple of days, I decided to bite the bullet and just reinstall.