I buyed last year in december a RX6900XT from Sapphire, I'm usually a Linux user that's why I didn't face this error earlier, if i want to play "Tomb Raider Game of the Year Edition" from Epic Store it crashs instandly after the intro, here a log from the game:
a funny thing is it works under Linux with Lutris like oil.
But it's not only TB, also WatchDogs 2 have problems here I can play in windowed mode for me it shouldn't be a solution cause the quality is also not better as my old Nvidia card (GT 990 TI), sometimes i have stuttering while playing this game in windowed mode in Fullscreen it crashes after a few minutes. From WD2 i don't know where the Logs.
Here my specs:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 2400G
GPU: TOXIC AMD Radeon™ RX 6900 XT Limited Edition
Windows 10 x64 with UEFI and enabled secure boot
Hope somebody can help me 🙂 it's a little bit ironic if you buy a better graphics card and you can't play some older games you could play with an older card.