Hello ,
i had gpu driver timeout in assassin's creed for days , it wasn't really constant and could play for hours until these two last days i could not play more than 5 minutes before the game crashed to the desktop with driver timeout message... in fact i had just upgraded my ram kit and began to have these timeouts more often every 5 minutes in that game , but desktop was stable... so after trying to lower ram frequencies , timings , testing ram with memtest (no fault found), aida64 stress test caused one driver timeout , and second time none ... i was listening some music the first run :
I play with bluetooth gamepad and bluetooth headset ... disabling bluetooth on headset and using it with the audio output from the motherboard solved my timeout problem ... but can't say really where the problem is coming from (headset ? bluetooth usb key ? to much data on bluetooth ??... and why it causes problem with gpu stabilty ? or is it just the game that causes the gpu timeout ? ... no clue)