Same as the others. Getting a blue screen when watching YouTube an playing a game.
Motherboard is Asrock 470 motherboard 16gb of compatible ram. When using Driver 17.9.1 No problems i am doing lots of thing. Just like all your previous drivers. They're not completely compatible. Systems crashing have to log out. Uninstalling driver.
It’s certainly cool that you wrote here, but AMD could write directly, this is a user forum, everyone knows about problems with drivers, it’s necessary to write amd, get them out so that they don’t sit idly by.
The purpose of this page is to get everyone up to the know of the problems. Just so people get an understanding. That includes AMD. Because i can roll back to an old 18.8. driver an still have issues. I literally build a brand new system This is a very energy efficient build.
This is the point of my post. It is an EXCELLENT driver an i highly recommend it for anyone having problems. People who have builds like this need this information