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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Sapphire RX 5600 XT - Card stopped working after driver installation

I've purchased Sapphire RX 5600 XT. When I installed the driver, the card stopped working (fan stopped working also), screen flickered, then BSOD, then no signal to the screen. I had to hold power button to restart the computer. Then when the computer restarted, everything was ok in bios, but when windows was loaded, the same things happened. I had to reinstall the window to get rid of the error. When I tried installing the drivers again, the issue persists.

I've tried the following, but nothing fixed the issue:

- Install the card through vertical riser and not through vertical riser

- Install the drivers before and after card bios update

- Reinstall the window and redo it

- Try all three versions of the driver for 5600 XT

- Set PCI Express mode from Auto to GEN 3

Is my card faulty?

My build is:

Motherboard: ROG STRIX ASUS B450-I

CPU: Ryzen 3600

Ram: 16GB @2666

26 Replies
Adept I

I have the exact same issue with the Gigabyte Gaming OC.
5600xt it's awful so far.
I think I will have to return it because I cannot find any solution so far

Adept I

I have the exact same issue with the Sapphire RX 5600 XT.

While I try to install the drives, the PC crashes, then it does not boot anymore.

Tried every BIOS and driver possible. It happened after one Windows Upgrade.

Adept I

Hi, hoping to help u... 
I had this problem, and i returned the card to rma... 
then they told me that the card worked fine... 
So i discovered that the driver was the issue... the mother will post but after loading windows ...the display goes black and gone. but in my case windows was loading and starting up... so i was able to do things... like remote desktops... 
So i ddu`ed the drivers and.... that recover the display after then installed a older version of the driver and here i am., Now i have the most common problems like downclock, but i can use the pc.

Adept I

I have this exact same problem with my 5600 XT Pulse. The only way to get back into windows was going safe mode, uninstall drivers with DDU and reboot back into windows. But once I try to install any of the Adrenalin 20.x.xx drivers it will black screen during the installation and not respond. It will freeze on windows load screen if I tried to reboot.

This card has been working fine for over a month and only started doing this recently so it could have been the 20.3.1 drivers or a recent windows update?  But reverting back to previous drivers and uninstalling recent windows updates did not fix it.

Things I've tried and have not worked-

  • Fresh install windows 1909 with no updates + drivers  20.1.3, 20.2.2 and 20.3.1 DDU, between each install
  • Fresh install windows 1909 with all updates + drivers  20.1.3, 20.2.2 and 20.3.1 DDU, between each install
  • Tried the same on a different machine with same results (have both AMD and Intel systems albeit old)
  • Switching between silent and performance bios
  • swapping ram modules
  • tried different power supply
  • setting PCIe3 in the motherboard bios
  • unplugging all non essential peripherals

It will work and load into windows using the generic windows display driver. So... I've reverted back to my

old RX 580 on 20.3.1 for now.


Try to install the AMD drivers without Internet conection. This work for me. But still my windows cant load properly.

Journeyman III


Has anyone found any solution yet ? I have the exact same issue on my 5600 XT. I started having this same problem 2 weeks ago but i'm not sure if after driver or Windows update. So for a few weeks i managed to get to Windows but only after making about 10 restarts. Yesterday i didn't managed to get in anymore. I then tried to go to safe mode (which works) and like you guys deleted the driver and worked with Windows Display driver. I then tried to install every single old 5600 XT driver but everytime the Windows went black and Windows wouldn't boot anymore. I also reinstalled Windows 10 1909 twice and on the last attempt i didn't even get to first login anymore. Now i have Windows 10 1903 ISO on my work computer and i will try and install it and report back to you guys with results. And if you have any other solution please share

EDIT: Good news guys. After installing Windows 10 1903 from a year old ISO i immediately disabled Windows update service (also from startup) and installed latest drivers (20.4.1). No black screen and Windows is also booting without problem. Now i did change one more thing so i can't say for sure which one helped but i'm guessing the Windows one. Before installing Windows 10 i changed boot from CMS to UEFI in BIOS. I tried changing this when i first had problems but the Windows didn't even boot to loading screen and it only worked when installing fresh installation.

Unfortunately I don't have an older installation of windows 10, but this confirms it is Windows 1909 and AMD driver problem. Thank you for posting this information


I am having the same issue. I'll try to roll back to Windows 10 1903 ISO and edit this.

I also don't have 5600, I am using r9 390. But my problem is same with you guys..

EDIT: nope, I did clean installation of Windows 10 1903 18362.30, but I am still having black screen after a few minutes when I enable my graphic card.


I have an identical issue to all of you. MSI RX 5600 XT MECH OC. I have been completely unable to find a solution that allows me to boot up into windows without using safe mode or previously uninstalling AMD drivers. I have however found a way to subvert using the ATROCIOUS adrenaline 2020 software that AMD tries to force us to use when installing drivers. In doing so, I am able to install the AMD drivers, but I must remember to uninstall them before turning off the PC or I will have to boot into safe mode. To do this just download the driver, run the program, select install, and then when the adrenaline software opens up and asks you to install, just hit cancel. Then you install the driver in device manager by updating the Microsoft basic display adapter. 

Still, this is by no means a solution, it is absolutely absurd that AMD would treat its customers so horribly. For months these issues have plagued the 5600 and 5700 series cards, rendering the majority of them unusable. The fact that I need to install and uninstall the same driver every single day, only to still experience frequent crashes, is just a middle finger in the face of the entire PC gaming world. This is why people buy consoles and why I will probably never purchase an AMD product ever again. 


Update: that was a one time success, I have been unable to replicate this fluke successful install of the drivers. dozens of attempts, every single one results in a mid installation crash and then 3 crashes while attempting to boot. 


I have the same problem! This gives me headaches!

Adept II

Try this YouTube , fixed it for me.


I just tried this youtube video 3 times with no sucess. Me and the guy who made the video actually have near identical systems, with the same CPU, motherboard, and GPU models, just with the GPU and motherboard made by different companies. I tried the steps in the video with the driver used in video as well as two other times with the two newest drivers, none worked. I was able to RMA a new card and will update on whether or not that works, but seeing as my current card worked with minimal crashes for a full two weeks, i don't know how reliable of a test this will be. From what i've heard, the majority of the 5600 and 5700 XT cards are experiencing these problems to some extent, and have been for months. 

Were you doing the installation exactly as it was done in the video or did you install AMD Adrenalin as well? Because that would be the problem right there.

I have tested this with my machine and my friends machines, installing the drivers like that + setting the BIOS back to defaults works 100% of the time (on the 3 machines tested, 2 RX 5600 XT [One by XFX and One by ASUS] and 1 RX 5700 XT by Sapphire).


yeah I've been trying multiple configurations without using adrenaline, as I was recommended that a few times in other posts. There wasn't anything in the video about changing my bios settings though, what exactly did you change? Previously I changed my PCI to Gen 3 which seemed to help, but that didn't last. 


What I did is install the drivers like in the video and reset my BIOS to default.


I tried that and it didn't work, but then I had the idea of rolling back my bios to the previous update, and then setting my bios to UEFI instead of CMS. I then followed the instructions in the video and was able to successfully install the AMD driver (without adrenaline). I have had a few green flashes and flickers since then (which was an hour ago) and am afraid to power down my PC because I have gotten to this point previously but never could sustain it through a boot. I already RMA'd my card, so im going to wait until the new one gets here in a few days. In the meantime im just going to leave my computer in sleep mode. 

Adept I

I have a similar issue with my Gigabyte RX 5600xt. When I installed the AMD drivers my windows stopped to load properly. If I unistall the AMD driver this issue stops to exist! I don't know what to do! I have already tried many things.

try the steps in the YouTube video above, they seemed to have worked for several people. Also try setting PCI to gen 3 in bios, and setting bios to UEFI. that is the only configuration that seemed to work for me, but it only yielded an hour of functionality before crashing and once again being forced to uninstall AMD drivers. Also check your bios version, if there's a newer one try that, if its the newest try the one before.


I will get used to live with this problem until AMD fix it. I noticed that after some time, usually 5 minutes, the PC boot! But I hvae to stay in the loop of Restart the Pc...


Not for me, I cannot boot under any circumstances if there are AMD graphics drivers installed. So far I have attempted 100+ installations, that is no exaggeration. I have spent every single day for two weeks trying so many different configurations, and only one time was able to successfully install the AMD driver (without adrenaline), but then that crashed within 15 minutes and failed to boot about 10 times before I uninstalled it in safe mode. There is no "living with this problem," my $1000+ computer is currently functioning as a paperweight with email capabilities. 

Adept I

I had tried installing drivers with no internet. In fact I went as far as unplugging all none essential peripherals, drives etc. But results were the same as before with the screen going black during driver installation or screen freezing/going black during windows boot (circle dots). 

I have requested an RMA with the retailer I purchased from a couple of weeks ago. Will try update this post once I get a card back.


Can confirm it is a hardware gpu issue. I just replaced my MSI 5600 XT card with a MSI RTX 2070 and my system has worked perfectly for a week. Im RMAing my card now. To anyone saying it is a PSU issue, i have a 650W system and upgrading to the 2070 (which takes much more power) lets my system run fine, even overclocked. 

I can now also confirm this is faulty hardware. I've received my replacement card today, same Sapphire 5600 XT with a later manufacturing code so looks like a straight up replacement than a repair.  Just plugged it in and installed with no issues. Played a few hours of various games on it and all is fine. Fingers crossed this one wont die on me. 


That's encouraging, I'm having the same issue and have just submitted an RMA request.  Not sure whether to get a replacement of the same card or a refund and just buy an Nvidia card.

Adept II

Bro why did you register your username as your email address lol?