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PC Drivers & Software

Adept II

S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 Day 1 Drivers?

So are we going to get the S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 day 1 drivers for this game? It comes out in less then 48 hours. NVIDIA already has drivers for it that people got last week.... this game is an Unreal Engine 5 game meaning it will have obvious performance issues. We need to get drivers for it before the release....


This is one of the most anticipated games in the last decade, and there's no word of a AMD game ready driver update for this title yet... What are you guys at AMD even doing? We don't want driver updates a month after all these AAA games release, we want them before hand.... NVIDIA is doing it, maybe you guys should get with the program.

60 Replies

The only one who has to grow up is you. Customers have the rights to criticize a billion dollar company if its service is not at the same level of the other 2 brands in this sector. In terms of drivers there are modders that alone in their apartment they do a better job than a billion dollar company and this is unacceptable. The criticism here it's not sterile but useful and helps also people like you to have better support for the products you bought. No one here expects AMD beats NVIDIA with 1/10 of the budget, we simply expect a better support for the hardware they sell. For example they did marketing on the antilag+... And they messed up everything, they caused the ban for players, cause their lazy ass didn't want to cooperate with developers, they removed the tech as response for months and at the end they changed it in antilag2 but it's never implemented not even in the sponsored title.... We have all the rights to criticize these behaviors.  

@Darth_Heretic wrote:

I know to update chipset drivers and mobo bios and not get stupid with all types of core settings that I copied from some fool from reddit.

Playing Diablo with my brother, he's crashed out a few times, while I keep playing on these same drivers undervolted, with just the undervolt button in Adrenalin. 

I love how you state that that about reddit yet, you UNDERVOLT your card with AMD's oh so trustworthy application. The irony

To add on to your post as a whole, you will find there are plenty capable IT professionals here, myself included, some of us have been doing this professionally for 15+ years. That being said, your "Chipset driver" and "mobo drivers" have nothing to do with the post at hand... Not to mention, AMD’s drivers themselves play a significant role in all of our systems stability, especially during tasks like gaming. It’s no secret that AMD has had a history of releasing drivers that aren’t fully optimized for major game launches and even when they do, are so far off the pace most have shelved the game. While their hardware has come a long way, the software side still lags behind NVIDIA’s consistency and that's coming from someone who is team red all the way, and has been a long time.

Most comments here are constructive, but yours sticks out like a sore thumb. We are tired, and the CEO is not in control of the Radeon team who's business it is to provide said drivers for it's customers. But thanks for your input, I will stick it somewhere safe.

Adept II

.......................................... a week later from my last comment... its been 2 months since a driver... lol im actually having win11 24h2 stabillity issues too... new windows updates on the 15th nov has put amd behind. this morning straitght into gta online. its a broken mess. after verifying files before launch. try to do a heist. me and my tean couldnt drive the suv... also building and road textures despawn and respawn in front of my character. input latency too. not sure how long this windows repair will last untill something breaks but its a temporary fix for gta but it is still moderately buggy. age of empires 4 runs horrifically about 24fps none of the setting does anything. amazon prime struggles to render hd video playback. radeon software crashes by default when navigating the ui. it also crashes when calling the overlay app ingame and stops me from getting back to my game. further more many other issues to be dertermined. also ea app freezes when rendering the app for use. not sure if its gpu or just its lame app. i am using the beta driver that is new radeon software its newer but more stable than the 24.10.1.

i have tested the new radeon pro 24q4, stay away as it is not for gaming...


He didn't provide a SINGLE **bleep** bit of info how he got it to run, and if he is running Stalker 2 undervolted he will be doing it as a global config because the latest version of AMD drivers doesn't DETECT the .exe for the game NOR does it allow adding it manually, so it's NOT gonna apply game specific tuning OR feature sets, what he spoke of is IN GAME and may not even be working, that part WOULD be some to do with Devs once you can't do it via the Adrenaline Software interface...

 Example I prefer if I am going to up res , to use the AMD driver to fire the game up at 1440p and upres from there, then return it to 4k on close. Then there is oh afm2 and their individual quality settings, and amd chill, and in my case amd free sync if I don't use chill and imagine sharpening if I don't up res we haven't even gotten into the advanced settings yet...

 It's funny he is calling out an IT Manager and CCNA with a lifetime of experience while providing no solutions for the issue and is running NONE of the advanced features of the $1000 video card lol, then gives an example of his imaginary bros 4090 and how it doesn't run Diablo in a Stalker 2 thread, lololol....what he is really saying is I just fire up the game, rely on global config, use no features other than what the game devs include with no way to verify ( ya know that little screen that pops up in the top right corner that says AMD and shows you ALL the advance features being  applied, yea that's there for a reason he won't see because its NOT recognized because they refuse to UPDATE the drivers! He doesn't even know what isn't working while dogging everyone cause they didn't mouth breath double click and slobber away thinking all is good lol, world is bat****)....

  I bet that 4090 runs Stalker 2 just fine cause it had a release drivers for it.......


 By all means if you have specific fix for the game not recognizing Stalker 2 was launched even when added manually to games list by all means contribute, one that doesn't break another game and preferable one that doesn't make Unreal 5 engine games even MORE Fortnite TELLS you THIS driver is KNOWN to have problems with Unreal E 5 , revert 2 driver sets back....thats not people makikg stuff up would ya like a screen shot to believe it?? Well that's just fortnite, yea and every single other URE 5 game ....I just found an all NEW game to ME with a plethora of issues Jedi Survivor....I'm gonna post this and look up it's engine way it acts I swear it's typical AMD Unreal 5 engine crap, if not I'll post and own it.....


 It's been 2 months and multiple triple aaa titles have released and NO drivers....


I did a test of the game on three video cards RX 7600 XT, RX 6800, RX 7900 GRE. And no problem, everything works fine!


what did the test consist of? what do you mean by works fine and what operating system and driver please?



why are you being a **bleep**? like others... i know how to play a game and work windows and amd **bleep**. why are you being a snotty **bleep**?


accidentally posted on yours, you are NOT being offensive or calling people are providing real information, was not meant for you, did it on mobile....these people pretending they arent having problems ( and outright saying those that are, just stupid or lazy ) get under my skin when your greated by one of the most popular games AND popular game engines with a splash screen that literally says " the latest driver and gives number, has a KNOWN PROBLEM with DX12 and Unreal engine 5".....


I also detailed how this game WONT detect ( like every other new release ) the .exe has been launched nor will it allow you to add it manually ( at least under the launcher for how I got the game ) and the steps I took to try to do just that, also why I think it wont ( easy anti cheat for one and the epic launcher/Xbox launcher/ea launcher for another ). for instance .8 doesnt auto detect COD BO6 but .10 IS the driver and we deserve one  more than every 2 months especially when triple A games release....why anyone would take up for a BILLION dollar company NOT providing service is WILD to me...makes me wonder their motiviations, if NO ONE did it aka your rival didnt provide D Zero drivers, I might be able to see it.....We shouldnt have to lay a case out for why we should have polished working drivers D 0 on popular games.....Wonder what Indiana Jones runs for a game engine? its right around the corner......


 I built all AMD, I been pulling for them since back in the day, im surprised we are hung out like this......when the very act of buying an AMD GPU ( especially their best like me and you ) is supporting them, vs say a 4070 ti Super or 4080....


I think Im gonna grab that cheapo new Intel when its released, and wait out prices on the next round of GPU's might be able to get a used 4090 this time next year for same 1000 ish ive set myself as my cap....


im REAL glad you reported overall unstability since the windows update, because I seen it as fact that along with no drivers is what pushed me to return my card ( buys me another 30 days to see how this shakes out and im working on getting a few semi local deals down ).


 Even sadder is I prefer the Adrenaline software layout and know its pretty well now, I dont relish starting stutters but ironically its stable in Space Marines 2 ( if you can look over the stutter pulling you out immersion )...let us know how driver testing goes, I cant find the actual download for the last one you posted ) .


Know whats interesting about that beta driver and all of em? It refutes everything AMD apologist and white knights attempting to belittle those with valid problems or complaints say...

 It literally has a section in it called " NEW GAME SUPPORT" adds the game title, in this case a terribly polarizing one that didnt sell half a million copies, and still no official support for Stalker2 nor other games selling many more copies.....makes me wonder.....

 We all know you can start the game under a global config and use the ingame options vs full adrenaline software support which is personally what I paid for when I purchased their top card....ALL of the features advertised....ALL.....visual, performance, and makes me wonder in absence of a new release 2 months now, why they dropped a beta for a game that sold 500k copies...when Stalker 2 sold 1.4 million copies in 4 days on steam alone.....this is getting strange, I looked back and they generally have drivers for new games quicker than THIS, is this political that im not aware of? something smells off here taking the longest I can easily discern this year between driver updates? 

 They cant run from Unreal Engine 5 issues either, they just released version 5.5 and its a game changer on lighting....its not going anywhere.....


So i tried that beta set you put up ( not the one with release notes and no link i can find?).

 I will say while the FPS showed less and with slightly more frame time say 14ms vs 8ms, that driver seems to run HD2 and SM2 smoother then wildly by chance a friend wanted me to flesh out a squad in fortnite with his son ( so it's a full squad me and another), and my god did it hate the unreal engine on default...rebooted entire PC....driver defaults restored, even when I got it to run any time I exited out of it ( yes fortnite also recognized this beta driver wasn't gonna work and suggested 10.8 which does work in unreal but kills SM2) crash errors at minimum, so then I tried my other games ALL similar issues on Unreal engine...

 I do appreciate the link and it DOES seem more stable outside Unreal engine games unfortunately I'm playing a lot of those right now, one thing I noticed is even at pure default fresh install settings...unreal engine games with these last 2 drivers can speed itself up wildly to 3000ghz for brief periods especially the 24.10) and that may be one of the issues, if I set my card manually to be lower than it's default clock as it's max speed / per exe, then I get a little more time generally before it at minimum crashes to desktop with error say 2200mhz as MAX and 500 minimum....


 Its drivers, changing them and trying variants really hammers home that it's drivers..cause a game or even windows thats stabile in one wont be with another.....


Intel just sucked up the budget market this morning witj it's new GPU and if it's bigger brother comes in at leaked info the mid range even with Ray tracing has a new contender, perfect timing for Intel when AMD announced they won't compete with nvidia for high end next round....we needed this 3rd option BAD to make AMD support their flagship products....


I may even order the budget intel card to get familiar while I let it all shake out first quarter 2025....its only $250 id rather play 1440p solidly than 4K



Adept III

We dont need the CEO to see our post room temp IQ, we need support to see em and then perhaps a marketing team when they wonder why the lost market share to Intels new GPU releasing in a few weeks.....they can't count on the budget segment very much longer that Intel gou is gonna devour the mid range and driver support absolutely can be a selling point in a suddenly more crowded field.....



Adept III

Please keep in mind, Nvidia software team is like 10x larger than AMD's and has much more funding as well.


If you are too lazy to manually add the game until the Stalker2 game ready driver is released, then it's your own problem.


I have like 50h of playtime and the game crashed only once for me.



Ryzen 7 7800X3D Hydro X, Radeon RX 7900XTX Hydro X, MAG B650 Tomahawk WIFI, Dominator Titanium 64GB DDR5-6000, Force MP600 Pro XT 2TB, Force MP600 2TB, HX1000i 1000W, UltraGear 38GN950-B

70.7 fps says mine. sapphire 6900 XT EE, 1950x cpu lol, zenith alpha mobo, some 32gb ddr4 gskill. 4k, all on epic - except shadows, i use a 55Q90T as monitor  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



If your to lazy to read post where I outline trying to add the .exe manually thats not my won't do it, it won't accept it and IF you launch many of these games that DONT have AMD driver support on Windows 11, it will simply say " must launch in epic launcher ", due to the anti-cheat and yea I'll save ya more learning, yea the _shipping. Exe work 

Around that used to work, yea it doesnt because of the easy anti simply won't work at ALL in Stalker 2, so if the driver hasn't been updated to recognize the game when launched ( which shouldn't be on the individual to MAKE HAPPEN ANYWAY ), you are simply running on the global config for the game....

 Offensive POS, while teaching you cause your to lazy to read, it's not our fault AMD doesnt have a full driver team they are trouncing intel in CPU's take some of that profit and hire some driver developers, even poach some.....


I could play the game, especially if I want to change drivers which are best for each game, the issue was nvidia releassd a driver for this game before and SINCE it released and AMD has chosen NOT to, so it will NOT run game specific settings or tuning as it does NOT recognize the game launched, nor will it accept the .exe added manually....which was ALL said in previous post your were to LAZY to read while calling others lazy .....I see why AMD drivers continue to be terrible its their low effort, lazy mouth breathing apologist consume next lie gullible market segment keeping them floating, they already gave up the high end and I Intel is about to put a real crunch on the low end....


Dude won't read and then calls other people lazy, typical bum....

Journeyman III

yeah i know this is my 1st post but really ...
i have bought 2x R9 380 back in the days (out of shops for approx 5 years by now)
xfire ready ... whatever ... to stay ahead and get me a stable system for ~10years ... now
my system runs cyberpunk more or less stable at defaul (high) grafic settings even tho its laggy at times and that game doesnt even support xfire (strangely tho windows taskmanager shows me the same temp for both cards?)

now i cant play stalker2 what so ever, the recomanded driver wouldnt install as my gfxcard is no longer supported by amd and/or they never wanted to fix it idk

fix this or at least give us a workaround, seems to be a UE4/UE5 issue? at least google gives alot of complains there.

its a dx12 card so really whats the problem *sobs
10years driver support for a gfxcard thats still running on the same renderer like new ones shouldnt be that hard? 😕 at least i was running my 8800gts for that long and now i even have 2 gfxcards ... gosh :S

amd support telling me my gfxcard is not hitting min systemreq. so what im willing to play this game at 15fps even but it wont even run~ plus the R9 380 isnt a bad card it should/would run that game with ease ~



you can look at alternative drivers, there are mod drivers on guru3d,in the drivers section you will find these mod drivers AMD, I hope it helped you

Adept I

Жаль, видеокарты от AMD хорошие, но вот с оболочкой Adrenalin очень плохо.

По поводу отказа от конкуренции с nVidia за TOP-segment расстроило - посмотрим по ценам что будет, если AMD буду продолжать жадничать, люди будут отказываться от красных cговорщиков с nVidia.

Adept II

there is no point in releasing optimization for the game, they constantly release either fixes or patches, all the problems now are related to the optimization of the game

Adept III

New Game Support

  • Marvel Rivals
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024
  • Dragon Age™: The Veilguard
  • Slitterhead
  • Delta Force
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl
Ryzen 7 7800X3D Hydro X, Radeon RX 7900XTX Hydro X, MAG B650 Tomahawk WIFI, Dominator Titanium 64GB DDR5-6000, Force MP600 Pro XT 2TB, Force MP600 2TB, HX1000i 1000W, UltraGear 38GN950-B
Adept III

new driver STILL does not recognize Or apply any features ( AFM2, chill, sharpening nothing ) even when I manually add the game to the game page and LAUNCH IT FROM WITHIN overlays nothing...doesnt show it was ever played...STILL....

Adept I

Seems like they put STALKER2 in the drivers notes just to shot down this discussion

but they didn't really worked on the game

  • no performance improvements
  • Adrenalin software does not recognize the game even when added manually
  • AFMF2 doesn't work
  • Radeon Super Resolution doesn't work
  • Image sharpening does not work 
  • Cutting short, no tech work

They are probably busy with the new RDNA4 launch but that shouldn't be the right way to menage with it

NVIDIA and INTEL they are launching new products too but they didn't stop the support for the current hardware