My 'love story' with Ryzen Master is over, not only from my side, also AMD ended support for 1st and 2nd Ryzen series on current and future versions of Ryzen Master ... we'll survive 🙂🙂
Anyway, thanks for the tip, I really appreciate it.
Las versiones amd-ryzen-master-2-14-0-3205 - amd-ryzen-master-2-14-1-3286 no funcionan con windows 11 los toma como no seguro ya que toca algo de las memorias, instálate la version amd-ryzen-master- y va como piña.
My 'love story' with Ryzen Master is over, not only from my side, also AMD ended support for 1st and 2nd Ryzen series on current and future versions of Ryzen Master ... we'll survive 🙂🙂
Anyway, thanks for the tip, I really appreciate it.