I recently changed to an AMD graphics card (XFX RX6600) from nVidia, re-installed the whole system and everything works just fine but there's one little thing that's quite annoying for my workflow. It seems to not behave the same as nVidia when it comes down to detecting active monitors. I regularly swap between TV and PC monitor. it's essentially a dual monitor setup but I only use one screen at a time. It was very easy with nVidia cards, it detects a monitor is turned off and transfers the primary desktop over to the now-active monitor. Perhaps there is a setting i'm not aware off. It's strange because my AMD laptop with onboard graphics seems to autodetect a connected/disconnected external monitor via HDMI just fine and swaps desktops accordingly, but not with my newly installed RX6600. I turn off my TV and nothing changes, it just sends the signal to my TV and never changes to my PC monitor. I constantly have to go into display settings to change the active monitor myself. With dual screen desktop the same issue happens, it never detects when a monitor is turned off so I can still move my cursor over to the other 'invisible' screen and place apps there. It's unusable like this. I hope I just missed something because this is very unexpected bahavior for me and makes AMD cards completely inapropriate for my kind of workflow. Cables haven't changed since nVidia card, hdmi 2.1 to LG TV and a displayport cable to AOC monitor.