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PC Drivers & Software

RX6600 22.7.1 Update Lag Problems

Thank you Amd , you outdone yourself once more.

After Upgrading from a 570 to a 6600 i had nothing but Problems especially with Forza and Fortnite.

Now after the Driver Update from 22.6.1 to 22.7.1 Performance Drops are here.

Fortnite has Problems atm on the 6000er Series but this hard? With the New Driver im getting only about 25-29fps.

I switched to the old Driver and have my 150Fps on Medium Back.

Forza doesnt look better and just stutters until it eventually dies.

Pls Fix that Amd, ive been blessed with Amd Cpus and Gpus for Years now since 2014 but if this keeps happening im going for something else.

This has been an Issue for over a Year now and youre doing literally nothing.

3 Replies
Adept I

Thats the threat i would open if you didnt. Just its even more extreme for me :

First i run a ryzen 7 5800x and a radeon rx 6600.

I play Destiny 2 and all i want is constant 60 fps on 1080p on max settings. Every site i calculated or looked up if my hardware should be able to do this laughed at me saying 170 fps shouls be possible.

I cant say its the latest update because i upgraded my gpu 2 days ago (before a r9 380). the thing is now im struggeling more than before and the increased settings shouldnt be worth a mention when seeing the performance difference of the 2 cards 😄

Oh man that sounds horrible.

I played Destiny 2 with my R5 2600x and the RX6600 on the 22.6.1 Driver and at High Settings i got around 90Fps.

Not Ideal for this Card but it was ok. 

Maybe u could try out downgrading?

Search for "Amd RX6600 Previous Drivers" and Download the 22.6.1 Optional.

Apparently the 22.5.1 and the 22.7.1 are really bs, i dont even know whats going on over at Amd and im really disappointed.

Please let me know if the Driver gets you any more Fps.

Greetz from Germany

I Try to play most games and they all lag league of legends genshin impact fortnite most games I get low frames and lag even on low settings 

Why is amd not fixing this problem already