[Windows 10 Pro - 64 bit]
Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.4.2 driver installation hangs [1]. Specifically, in the middle of the install, the entire machine just freezes... audio buzzes... cannot move the mouse or do anything. Power cycle required.
- New install of Windows; not a reinstall, completely started from scratch with a new drive and fresh install.
- Uninstalled default driver (Radeon RX 580 Series) from device manager
- Turned off automatic updates
- Rebooted in safe mode
- Unplugged network cable
- Ran setup as root
- Attempted to install manually by choosing C:/AMD/Win10-Radeon-Software-Adrenalin-2020-Edition-20.5.1-June10
- Radeon RX 580 Series drivers are installed, which I believe are auto-installed by windows.
Perhaps some conflict between the Windows default driver and the AMD driver.
Very frustrating... a driver installation is #1 on the user experience list. This needs to be smoother, or clear work-around from AMD available. Googled for two solid hours.
1. https://www.amd.com/en/support/graphics/radeon-500-series/radeon-rx-500-series/radeon-rx-580