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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

RX Vega 64 / 19.12.3 GRAPHIC PROBLEM.

Since upgrading to the new driver I am having problems with my games, starting with these transparent squares around weapons, image corruption, driver settings that sometimes don't apply, and restarting the game like "Radeon Chill" and "Radeon Image Sharpening".


I believe it is because of this that I am getting constant disconnects in Call of Duty, the game may be misinterpreting and knocking me over.


I believe it was a good job on the new driver, Wattman no longer locks the screen and restarts the card, simply by turning the machine back on the card back to factory defaults, avoiding unnecessary flickerings.


Radeon Vega 64 with 19.12.3 driver version.
Windows 10 with 1909 build version.

NAT Type: Open.
Game updated.

Solutions tryed: reinstalled software, formated operational system, reseted router, downgraded video driver.


Videocard always on 80% fan curve, with 4400rpm giving a 60~75Cº without sync (75hz).

2 Replies

I have had similar problems with my RX 480 on a X570 board

To install a driver I had to use the INF file as anything would freeze the machine

Adept II

As an owner of a Vega 64 card in windows 10, I had similar issues with both drivers 19.12.3 and 19.12.2. I can say that the latest drivers made my system far more unstable than when I had the 19.12.2 installed. Blue Screens all the way and the usual suspect was the graphic driver. In one game, I got a message that I disconnected the GPU while I was playing it!

As a previous owner of a Fury driver card, I had almost the same software problems when the crimson drivers came along. One advice I have to give that worked for me: Do not be impatient with the latest drivers. Give them time to grow and they are going to do the hit they deserve to do. For the time being, I have ddu the latest drivers and I have the 19.12.1 without any problem at all. I will eventually install the new software which seems to be absolutely fantastic WHEN it will work as it should. Until that day, I am staying with the latest most stable drivers I found for my system.

I hope I helped you.