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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

RX 570 custom resolutions?

I just put together my newly bought system:

Power Color Radeon RX570 video card

Asus Rog Strix 450-F mobo

Ryzen 7 2700 X cpu

16 gig Corsair DD4 3000 memory

Azio lighted keyboard

drives and case I already had

Viotek 34GN34CW 34" ultra-wide monitor (awesomeness), one awesome feature of the Viotek monitor is the ability to simultaneously display two seperate inputs, so I have an OTA TV tuner playing the game on the left side and the pc on the right. The one caveat of running the monitor this way, Viotek suggests for optimal performance to set both inputs 1280 X 1440 when using dual simultaneous inputs. Unfortunately, this isn't a resolution that the RX 570 will do apparently. I searched for it as a default setting from the list of available resolutions and it's not there and, I also tried manually inputting it in the settings and it said it couldn't do it....Is there a possibility a software or firmware update might allow this resolution? When just using the monitor full screen, I run it at max, 3440 X 1440 and it looks amazing but for dual use, the pc side, the best I can get it to look is about 2650 X 1080, which if you can't tell from the pic, scrunches the text up and makes everything a bit cramped looking but is still fairly useable I guess.


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