I'm using the latest driver (18.1.1) and I can't play any game!! Always crash! BF1, GTAV, even CSGO..
Any help???
(Clean install made)
In Wattman set your power limit to +50, it's one of the sliders that is on center, I believe right below the fan settings, you slide it to the right for a Maximum of 50. Some cards may have a max limit of +20 so just set it to the Max. My RX 580 locks up every single time in BF1 at default settings and with my power limit set to +50 I am rock solid stable! I think this problem is born of card makers making their own versions of the card ie non-reference which is a good thing in general, however they aren't giving a custom version of the bios, that is updated to be stable with their own version of the card. Many of these card makers are release pre overclocked versions the card and while they set that raised clock in the bios, they may not be setting the power enough or at to match. This creates an unstable product for the end user. I know that my experience with XFX with this was that the support guy was oblivious to this and could care less to help. This however is not an AMD problem, they just get the blame for it. About the only thing AMD could do is if they found this to be fairly universal issue and only if that wouldn't over volt some cards set the default in their vanilla drivers to be higher. However they like to keep power as low as they can because it looks good on paper, while in the real world many of us had to suffer until finding a work around.
Hopefully this is the advice you need to get going. Sure sounds like what fixed me up! I hate to see someone have to play 50 questions to get an answer. These situations are frustrating enough! If this doesn't fix things, please try and reply back with some full system specs and OS information and I am sure the good folks here will do their best to help.
Check out this link it explains what the +50 is doing pretty well:
Power limit on RX480 - [Solved] - Graphics Cards - Tom's Hardware
I did that. Nothing changes. I uninstall (DDU) e reinstall the 17.12.2 driver and got better. Still crashing on GTAv but less. BF1 works now.
i7 6700
16gb DDR3 1600
XFX RX480 turned 8gb
Corsair 850tx v2
gigabyte z170m-d3h ddr3
Win 10 64bit
Thanks for the help.
Hey just a thought, do you have any third party tweaking utilities like Trixx or Afterburner? They some times interfere with them. Always a good idea when a having issues to uninstall those (if you even have them installed) before going through DDU/clean install. Those utilities are known to conflict with Wattman. Wattman once you have a good working driver really does most everything those utilities do now anyway. I know your not alone with the GTAv issues and I don't think it is the same issue as what was happening in BF1. The strange one is the CSGO as I have never had issues with a Source engine game. Good luck!
No third party apps.