Why do we not have a general resolution scaling and an image sharpener that benefits said resolution scaling? We have Radeon Boost that affects dynamic resolution (seems kind of pointless to me) but that's it. I have previously had to rely on Sapphire TriXX Boost (which is flaky at best) to permanently run at 85% of my native resolution (which is then upscaled and sharpened) but due to it being fairly unreliable I've had to abandon it. Why isn't a feature like this included in the Radeon software? Would such a thing be very difficult to cook up?
I found the native panel resolution was the best bet. If you LCD is mediocre, new 4K panels are not all that expensive as they used to be.
I think you're misunderstanding what I'm getting at. Yes the native resolution is always going to be best, but technologies that post-sharpen lower than native resolutions net you native looking visuals at a lower rendering resolution, boosting FPS even further. My FPS isn't even an issue either but running 144hz in more games is always nice. My panel is a good panel. 4K is an utterly stupid waste of money (and a rather pointless resolution if one is sitting less than 2 metres away or their money isn't huge) and is the complete opposite of what I'm getting at - I'm here for performance, 4K is obviously just going to tank it.
I use a 4K panel and many games are able to use it natively. Some older games lack support but the LCD can handle legacy games fine too.
Higher refresh is a recent development that many games have not been tested against.
You're still completely missing the point. This has little to do with higher refresh rates and I have zero interest in 4K.
lfx64 wrote:
You're still completely missing the point. This has little to do with higher refresh rates and I have zero interest in 4K.
4K is available with higher refresh. It's not limited only to 1920x1080.
Video cards are expensive enough.
Okay I see what you're doing, so you may as well stop. I don't require any assistance from you.