Driver 18.9.2 - ReLive does not record correctly at the chosen resolution and the virtual super resolution no longer has 1920x1080 option in version 18.6.1 had 1080 option
Attached is the prints of all the details
Multiple posts are against forum rules
In this I specified the problem in relive, I will delete the other post
I have locked your other discussion. Please use this discussion moving forward and post in English, thanks.
This one is great thank you very much, I will wait for a solution
Please could you provide more information to aib debug?
In my view the prints are pretty objective see them in numerical order but if you do not have it as a problem then tell me have some tutorial that teaches to record with ReLive in 720 or 1080 without deforming the video being that the resolution of the monitor and of the game is 1920x1200?
print of video recorded on ReLive in 720p resolution with monitor resolution in 1920x1200