RDR2 crashes almost instantly after beginning gameplay. I was able to benchmark it without a crash. Crash = screens go black, sound stops, and I'm forced to reboot by holding power button.
Ryzen 7 2700
MSI B450 Gaming Plus
Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4-2400 8GB x2
SanDisk 1TB SSD
800w PSU
Windows 10
Dual Monitor
Updated Windows and drivers before trying RDR2 again. Still crashed. Have uninstalled/reinstalled software 3 times. Same result.
Windows Apps does not show Vulkan runtime libraries, but I play R6 on Vulkan without any issues.
Other games that have crashed the same way: Marvel's Avengers Beta and Deadside (early access I believe).
Most of my other games work fine (Outer Worlds, R6 Siege, Civ 6, Divinity 2, etc.)
Thanks for your help!