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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Ragnarok does not open. The procedure entry point MiniDumpWriteDump could not be located in the dynamic link library

Hello I have a complex problem. I'm trying to play Ragnarok Online, however the game can not run.

This problem only happens if Crimisson is installed. I removed Crimisson, and the game can run normally.

It shows the following error

The procedure entry point MiniDumpWriteDump could not be located in the dynamic link library 

Print attached (in portuguese)7.png

Atiumdag.dll is in the folder as indicated.  

The game is not able to show my video card in the menu where I can choose the 3D model of it


This problem happened after switching from my HD 7790 to RX 570.

Note: other games are normal


1 Solution
Journeyman III

Tive o mesmo problema aqui ao tentar voltar ao bRO

Na pasta do ragnarok renomeia o arquivo dbghelp.dll para dbghelp_old.dll.

Pode ser que dê alguns erros handler mas é só não clicar em 'exit' que o jogo não fecha.

Talvez você não consiga mais rodar em fullscreen, apenas janela.


I had the same problem here when trying to get back to the bRO

In the ragnarok folder renames the dbghelp.dll file to dbghelp_old.dll.

It may be that you give some handler errors but just do not click 'exit' that the game does not close.

You may not be able to run fullscreen, just window.

View solution in original post

10 Replies
Journeyman III

Hello, so apparently the last AMD drivers have compatibility issues with the new Ragnarok client (BR version), downgrading to "Adrenalin Edition 18.9.3" was possible to run normally here, it is not an ideal solution but to hold the in this version of the driver until the definitive solution.


The game is old and it is not played much anymore due to the plentiful bugs


Using Depends.exe on atiumdag.dll, shows that it is using DBGHELP.DLL, and you can see that it is using the MiniDumpWriteDump call from it. So what happened is that the older version of the driver did not link against the DbgHelp function, and the newer Crimson driver does. Really not sure why this is an only issue with Ragnarok though.

What this says though is that your windows version might be out of date and not properly updated. As you should have DbgHelp.dll installed with windows, as there is a standard redistributable version shipped with windows. The C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (if 64 bit version of windows) directories should have DbgHelp.Dll files in them. If they are not there, I do not suggest copying any version there.

So I guess we need to know more about your windows version in detail.

Journeyman III

Tive o mesmo problema aqui ao tentar voltar ao bRO

Na pasta do ragnarok renomeia o arquivo dbghelp.dll para dbghelp_old.dll.

Pode ser que dê alguns erros handler mas é só não clicar em 'exit' que o jogo não fecha.

Talvez você não consiga mais rodar em fullscreen, apenas janela.


I had the same problem here when trying to get back to the bRO

In the ragnarok folder renames the dbghelp.dll file to dbghelp_old.dll.

It may be that you give some handler errors but just do not click 'exit' that the game does not close.

You may not be able to run fullscreen, just window.

Thanks Brow

Helped a lot and did it right saw? You can play in full screen and the resolution options also appear, everything came back, just renaming this file you spoke.


Sim resolveu sim. 
Mesmo que eu tenha voltado com o 18.5 por outros motivos. 
Mas muito obrigado mesmo. Salvou legal. 

Yes solved.
Although I came back with 18.5 for other reasons.
But thank you very much. Nice.


If i change the name of this file, im able to run the setup thing, choose resolution etc.
But if i start the game it just instantly closes itself. Without any error.

You got any idea?


Obrigado amigo, aparentemente renomeando a dll como foi citado resolveu o problema, muito obrigado!!

Journeyman III

Estou com mesmo erro e fazendo esse processo naso funcionou oq posso fazer

Journeyman III

Olá, eu testei a solução de mudar dbghelp_dll para dbghelp_old.dll, porém ainda sim deu erro, procurei em fóruns gringos também e nada, então testei outra coisa e deu certo, vim postar aqui caso mais alguém não tenha conseguido a primeira solução também. Fui em "Setup > Config. Gráfica", e mudei para a segunda opção. Agora o jogo abre e roda normalmente.

Hello, I tested the solution to change dbghelp_dll to dbghelp_old.dll, but it still gave an error, I looked on gringos forums too and nothing, so I tested something else and it worked, I came to post here in case someone else hasn't got the first solution too. I went to "Setup > Graphics Setup", and changed to the second option. Now the game opens and runs normally.
