Hey, so i have r7 260x in my pc and it works quite good. But i went into a issue last week, here is it:
My Radeon Software version is 21.3.2
So i started fortnite last week and get in to the game really quick. And when i'm in the waiting lobby my fps was going to 10 a second and then 3 seconds of 60fps and then again 10fps. It was like this whole game. There was one more thing that my radeon software notification was flickering on the top right corner and i thought that it was a fullscreen issue and i went change the fullscreen to windowed fullscreen and it was the same. Then i changed it to windowed and it was good so it was a fullscreen issue but don't expect me to play at windowed. So i restarted pc and it was all good on the fullscreen. Then I wanted to record a creative clip on radeon software so basically i clicked ctrl + alt + e to start recording. and same thing again recording notification was flicking on the top right corner. It was like trying to get in to the game window but fortnite wasn't letting it. So I tried it on Counter Strike: Global Offfensive, it worked quite good no issues. I need Help!!!!!!
!!!! I resetted my pc completely, switched to an older version of radeon software, switched to a newer version of radeon, reinstalled fortnite, i tried DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller).