Trying to load the new drivers, still getting: RADEON SETTINGS AND DRIVER VERSION DO NOT MATCH. PLEASE TRY AGAIN AFTER UPDATING TO THE LATEST VERSION!!! Really. why cant amd resolve this continuous problem.. Do they even test these drivers before they release them..
What is going on at AMD? Did they fire their decent software engineers?
Do not tell me to go through error reporting, that is AMD"S JOB, NOT MINE! My job is to purchase a functioning gpu with functioning drivers, not to trouble shoot for AMD!!!!!
Amd can ask these ridiculous prices for gpu's they can hire a software engineer to read these forums to see all the people having the same issues.. This is not a new issue and many others have this same issue.. Its amd's responsibility to resolve these issues in a timely manner, so people can get what they pay for!!!!
Try to use DDU. This software completely unloads and reinstalls the new driver.
This is not a driver installation issue, see
I have the same problem, the last driver without any problems is v18.2.2. With this driver Radeon Settings works perfect.
with the new drivers I have this error: RADEON SETTINGS AND DRIVER VERSION DO NOT MATCH. PLEASE TRY AGAIN AFTER UPDATING TO THE LATEST VERSION, and the Radeon configuration screen does not appear. I have a R9 380 on Win 7 64 bits.
I contacted technical support, and none of the solutions they gave me worked. I used DDU, I made clean installations, but there is no case, the error persists. A short-term solution is to install radeon settings of v18.2.2 over the new versions of drivers, that worked for me, but it's not something that works forever. This is a mistake that amd has to fix, and again make compatible their drivers with the win 7 64 bits.
It is not a problem of the operating system, because the driver v18.2.2 works perfect always, that I install it again. I installed radeon settings of v18.2.2 on driver v18.3.4 and it worked fine. This is done in the custom installation of the divers, that is in the folder C: \ AMD. But you can not always do this, because you can lose driver functions. that's why AMD has to fix this issue.
The most common cause of any driver issue with Win7 or Win8.1 is a OS that is not fully updated.
** Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 must be fully updated before attempting to install any AMD driver. All 'critical', 'recommended', and 'optional' (no language packs,etc) updates as well as any Service Packs (SP) must be installed before any attempt to install graphics drivers. If you do not get this message .... keep installing until you do:
My windows 7 is fully updated, this was one of the first recommendations of AMD's technical service. At this time I installed the v18.3.4 driver and then installed the AMD driver software v18.2.2 (radeon settings software). If the operating system was the problem this could not do it, and it works perfectly. I do not think it's a problem with the graphics drivers, but the problem is with the program redeon settings. It would be very good if the new drivers are given the radeon setting program of driver v18.2.2. In this way the driver works well for all. Maybe it's some line of the windows registry that the AMD driver changed and is causing problems. The error message says that the versions do not match, somewhere there is something written that is not being changed or the driver installer can not change. So I want to change it manually, please if there is someone from AMD who can help me, I would be very grateful.
18.4.1 Drivers are actually ok drivers. I had a Nvidia 660gtx coughing sure it was drivers. Scored a Gigabyte R9 270OC 2G in great nick. Had nothing to loose done the fresh 10 feature update for the sake of it. I did a DDU run after 10 was upto date. For the giigles had nothing to lose. Dirty i5 runs like a dream with the R9 behind it. Its a pot luck of how 10 effects diffrent build with AMD drivers. 18.4.1 has fixed a few issues noticed a dramatic improvement. Saying that I have phased out 3 Nvidia cards now all diffrent series of cards running in builds tho happy with the R9 I scored in wicked condtion.
Guys this is obviously some issue with the new driver. I have the same issue on win10, so you cant blame it on windows anymore. Btw 7 is the most reliable windows, there is no universe in which 10 is better, honestly, some of the posts here...
I tried DDU numerous times, I tried clean install with express and custom settings, I tried disabling avast and windows firewall, even uninstalling. Everytime the outcome is the same - the installation seems to be complete, I see radeon in the tray, but nothing through the right click on the desktop. When I try to open it from the tray it says radeon settings is not available.
I have one last hope, I was installing on win 1709, I am not upgrading to 1803, though I have little hope since none of the previous adrenalin editions were working, all giving me the same issue. Even when I was on Windows Insider program with the latest beta versions. The latest working for me is 18.2.1
Oh and always downgrades the drivers to 16.4 or so every time I let the windows updates run (have to be turned off manually as a service)
I have FX8800 with R7 + dedicated R9 385X (which is also funny cause according to the AMD support page it does not exist, only M385 without the X)
Having an APU/IGD + AMD discrete GPU causes this Radeon settings error. Try disabling the APU in your UEFI BIOS if it allows you to before installing the AMD desktop gpu driver 18.4.1. If dual graphics support is set to automatic and not disabled in your BIOS, it is most likeIy to cause the incompatibility of the driver. My theory on this is that APU's only support 18.2.1 even the discrete GPU is compatible with 18.4.1.l am also stuck with 18.2.1 since I have a A10 7860K (R7) + RX 560 GPU setup with IGD/Dual Graphics set to automatic in BIOS.
Do you use the English language version of your OS ?
Since using the English version of windows there are a lot less problems during install...
I guess AMD only knows the English language, they could blame Microsoft maybe for handling the translation sh...
and updating said OS instead of clean installing leaves too much of the old garbage around that only interferes with a proper working of your pc.
guessing these both are part of the OP's problem.
I suggest you use DUU to uninstall your old driver and install it driver,or ,reinstall system
I found the best trick for a clean install is or even update. I use the English U
I use the Enlgish us version I live in NZ. Install English AMD drivers, smart trick before installing any drivers is I so a system clean & dump all old windows logs backs up I wipe the crapware & load up programs as i need, with CC Cleaner & DDU for display drivers as well & dumping anything not needed bumping the power plan to High preformance & disabling all unessiary promgrams not needed for booting to windows,manually activating as you go. All my Installs are bare bones installs my stepsons I fixed hauls on 18.4.1 drivers behind a 2nd hand R9270 really impred on 1803 no issues been running stable not shutdown 4 days not as many bugs as 1709 had. I was having issues with it on Nvidia drivers on the 1709 updates would power down randomly etc,I isolated the issue by crap drivers as somes1s running it on last years drivers. The boys R9 was a fire it up see if it works had nothing to loose & its how I build alot of my PC's & running better than expected so far so good might wait another week of 2 before I convert the rest.
Another issue arising is from people using 3rd party Anti virus software & 3rd party Browsers which are actually crap. I dont do nothing special with my installs I use bog standard Edge its actually not a bad browser I use Windows defender is the best anti virus around hate to say to every1s opinion Defender works magic without issues. 7 is outdated crap useless for the newer drivers coming out, always use the newest OS you can when they are stable got a better chance to fix under lying issues where outdated OS like 7 isnt & wont be. Hate to say tho 10 isnt as bad as put out & around run clean installs with OS/ drivers . I do clean installs everytime my stepsons proved my point on 1803 with 18.4.1 drivers still running drivers no crashes 5 days solid running happy as a bit of driver lag but no bad bugs as experienced by a lot of others. Hell I am only using 10Pro as is just with basic Defender/CC cleaner & Standard 18.4.1 drivers on a build I had issues with 1709 & crapvidia drivers, its not the drivers as i can state from AMD ends its hardware or software releated 3rd party junk which will be throwing the issues. My gremlin was crapvidia & so happy i junked the mongrel card the boys running the best its ever run.
Sorry man, but youre wrong on so many accounts. I rarely had issues with Win7, I still have it as a backup OS. With 10 I already lived to see countless issues. Simple games like GRID stutter in 10 and I know for sure its a windows problem (Microsoft themselves admitted of the beta versions fixed it when I was on Insider program, though Microsoft still had no idea what caused it or how they managed to get it fixed).
Defender is okay, but way too many times it had been blind where avast saw a threat. Im not saying avast is the best but its free and gives me a fair protection. CC cleaner might work for some users but every time I tried to install it, windows started acting weird and it all stopped when I uninstalled. Dont even get me started on Edge, there is some improvement compared to Internet Explorer, though user friendliness is still an enemy of Microsoft.
Anyway, more to the point...I got a reply from the support, it is the driver after all...more or less. 18.4.1 simply does not support my APU integrated crap. I would not care, I only need the dedicated R9, but the stupid R7 wont me silenced by anything, both the drivers and windows refuse to let it go. The last driver compatible with my chipset is 18.2.1 which I currently have installed.
Luckily I found out that the latest windows update 1803 has the possibility to get the graphics used to be set up by going right clicking on the desktop, display settings, graphics settings and will let you assign the graphics per application. Even though it lets me choose from two options - max performance and power savings while both options being R7 graphics!! when I select max performance all is well, CoD WWII works almost flawlessly on max detail, Payback runs smooth as silk on ultra, everything works like a charm.
So dont go telling me Win10 is a good OS cause it treats drivers like a 3rd party crap. Whatever I choose in amd driver settings, gets ignored and windows has the last word. I assume all of you guys for whom the 18.4.1 wont work the issue lies in the same - integrated useless piece of metal is simply not compatible, the AMD did not think of the machines to which they put 2 graphics.
Shimon your so wrong about the drivers & 10 trust me on that I have the same 1803 update with 18.4.1 drivers on a R7 build running flawlessly without issues. The update issues are mainly from not loading the installs properly. Theres a certain way to load them properly where they wont fail. You think 10 is full of bugs 7 is far more worse than any1 ever states. I junked 7 as soon as 8.1 was released & junked 8.1 for 10 as soon as it was released. Always follows new OS for a Reason as they constantly updated for a reason to keep up with motherboard & cpu releases & micro code updates which is a regular thing I hope the support for 7 ends shortly as was good back in the day but its had its time doesn't keep up with the way things & the world is changing. For best results with AMD drivers you need to be on 10 why bother wasting time on 7. Most issues to are coz of junk free anti virus/Browsers. Edge isnt as bad as you make out its amain browser I use dont have bugs & I have any forms of 3rd party crapware blocked. Trust me run the OS as is as a bare bones install install all that needed minus any crapware 3rd party apps & you wont run into issues, lessons learnt I got 3 AMD builds running flawlessly on these drivers & updates atm without a hitch for to be issues you must be doing something wrong.
Heh, you made me laugh just now
It is as you say...partially. They come up with new OS to keep up with the new HW there is. Now...I am not changing my hardware every week (I usually stick with the same machine for 3-4 years), long as my machine is well supported by win7 I dont see any reason to go to the new one. Did you see TRON Legacy? When the boy asked what is new in the new OS they were releasing...the answer was simple: "Well, this year we put a 12 on the box". Its as simple as, that is the main reason for all the new software, dont be fooled it is only for your own comfort and up-to-date support.
It takes a loooong time to adjust any new soft to all the machines out there and so, understandably, the newer the OS, the buggier it will be. This is precisely the reason why I never try out the new OS? never buy a brand new phone, PC, car...all things need some time to be polished up, no matter what it is. Since the 10 is the newest, it is, understandably the buggiest. I have had issues with it since the day one. Some of them stupid, some of them way too difficult to solve even for an experienced person like me. Since the day I bought the PC to this day, windows keeps downgrading my graphics driver every time I update. I install 18.2.1 and windows downgrades to 16.6, I install again and there goes windows again. I had Lenovo on the call, I had AMD in an email, all take their hands off it and blame it on Microsoft. I either have to hide the update or turn off the updates completely as a service. Dont get me wrong, there were always issues with windows update, every update screwing more stuff than solving, but with win 10 its a different bowl of soup. Forza Horizon3 for instance would not run unless I turned off the mic (wtf?) - doesnt happen on any other system, just win 10. Stupid stuttering in GRID, the same song. Projecting to my TV also wont start. And believe me, I might not be perfect, but I would not count myself as a stupid idiot. I always clean install with DDU from the safe mode, all other applications with advanced uninstaller getting rid of all the junk registers the app would leave. But still it wont work, it must have been 30 times I tried it with all drivers that were released after 18.2.1 and none work. Which probably means that you dont have the same APU as I do (FX-8800P) and therefore the driver works for you.
As long and youre comfortable with Edge and Defender, kudos for you. There are very little developers that build their apps on Egde, its usually Firefox or Chrome, though lately Ive been a fan of Opera. In any case, I dont see any link between browser and display driver, since its the display driver that might cause a browser give you issues, not the other way around. Antivirus softwares can indeed be a pain, though most of them have the option to turn off the shields for the time beeing. If I ever did have issues with antivirus software (and turning off the shields did not solve it) all I had to do was to turn off windows firewall. That has, however, not been a problem for a long time since avast turns it off and uses its own.
I'm struggling to understand all the heat this thread is generating! I see no reason not to use Win 7 particularly if you have a stable system on older hardware, in my own case I would probably still be using it had it not been for the free upgrade offer. Having done the upgrade I am reasonably happy with Win 10 it is certainly no worse than Win 7 and has some good features and support for newer hardware. On the other hand I also see no reason to complain so vehemently that the latest BETA driver is not working with Win 7, for sure AMD needs to know that (and since 18.2.1 is still the approved driver it seems they do) but to get in these endless Win 7/10 pro and con arguments does nothing except create ill feeling.
I do not believe MS is sabotaging Win 7 anymore than the Win 10 1709 update disaster was also sabotage. They make mistakes sometimes big ones!!!!
Agreed...I will stop using Win7 on Jan. 14, 2020. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see all the problems with Win10....for the average user.
I still run Win 7 on 2 of my home machines. I think the OS in general runs better too. I also use Windows Media Center on them with TV tuners that later Windows versions dropped support for. It is funny though as I already mentioned we are planning to have our Windows 10 transition at work completed by the end of June, and we are on track to do that. I got to work this morning and have an email forwarded from our CFO that he got from the people that service our accounting software that they are ending support for Windows 7 on August 3rd of this year. It sited security reasons but did not elaborate and I have not verbally spoken with them. If I was not already 85% finished with the migration and had to do them all still this would have been a big time issue.
I think this is another huge point with things while one person absolutely can keep using something. Hey some still love XP, heck I love XP, but I don't use it other than in virtual machines under 7 pro until recently, Windows 10 now runs them in compatibility mode where Windows 7 would not. We more often in business update not by choice but by necessity. Either cost or vendor requirements typically. For us it is now both. I don't know that anything on 7 is intentional sabotage ( not a word I should have probably used) or not, but absolutely we have even recently seen a company (cough Apple) cause equipment to run slower to influence upgrades. I find it suspicious myself that this disparity we saw at work in the updates between similar updates on 7 vs 10, was not the case with Windows 7 until the free upgrades to 10 stopped. Hey that is jut my opinion and I certainly have no proof, just sure what it seems like. When you service 100's of computers your see patterns quickly. Absolutely they are severely careless on all their OS updates at a minimum, really since about 8.1 came out IMHO and only getting worse. We see lots of companies dropping or modifying support on things the last couple years and I think it is a dangerous precedent that I don't like to see. You don't have to go further than these AMD forums to see the support dropped or features removed for still supported OS's and what really is recent hardware. Bottom line is we eventually have to move on either our hardware will die or the support will end and then you have no choice. For many of us that is forced much sooner and that doesn't make the people who have to transition wrong either. Not sure why this is really a one side against the other thing anyway. Heck I just saw the conversation and have been transitioning the last couple months at work and thought I would add that food for thought by mentioning why we started to finally transition. Had no idea I was entering a flame war. I was never trying one way or the other to influence anybody nor chastise them for what they used, just explaining why we suddenly made the change after having 6 major OS revisions without change. Hell if that is proof that I support the old stuff I don't know what is! Can't imagine what I could gain from somehow promoting going to 10 or having an agenda, as another suggested. Heck if I don't have to support it, frankly I don't care. I always find it so interesting how someone else can read something into what you write that is so different than what you intended. I have been guilty of jumping the gun on that one myself too often in life. I'm trying to do better.
most of the sabotaged botched 1709 issues have been fixed since 1803 the 2 systems on the 1803 have been stable as running solid & happy tho its handy to note that Microsoft have rolled a few cumulative patches threw very quickly for a few with stablitiy issues. To note on that I got a couple IT m8s who switch between 10/7 for testing reasons especially with the new CPUs coming out to see which OS runs them happier tho atm from the 1709 to the 1803 after a few patches been told the new 2600xs & 2700xs haul since last few patches have filtered threw tho they are on the Insider builds atm. Microsoft has told them tho 1709 was a botched issue from there end from specter & meltdown coz of craptel forcing early bugged hotfix patches which did more damage than waiting, from January onwards hurt Microsoft they acknowledge it with the insiders with this current 1803 build trying to fix the issues from January still. Tho Microsoft said the security patches stung the 7 builds as well with rushed security patchs hurting 7 builds which wasn't intensional. Got a couple good good IT m8s who do a lot of software coding for Microsoft & from the coding been alot of scrambled code from the exploits of Intel/AMD & even Nvidia throwing the harmony of builds out. I am being posted quite regularly as I post alot of findings to them to relay to Microsoft when I am online half the time I am busy at my full time day time job so only been online for a few hrs a night usually when I get home from work, as been snowed under with work as a Tradesman atm so kinda havnt had much time for much more testing. Sorry I been a bit arrogant with my views & come off as a know all but just mind is everywhere atm I hope I havnt offended to many, I may jump the gun to but I dont mean to only here to help with my point of view & what I have learnt & know what works to.
I agree 7 is outdated junk people gota learn move with the times & if you wanna run new hardware new build unfortunately you need to be running 10 with the new Ryzens you cant get away with it as its built into the aritecture tho atm the aritecture is ahead of the software to drivers atm so the new Ryzen builds wont get any benefit for at least a another 6 months till the maturity of the OS & proper drivers come into play & being completely new designs still alot of teething problems as to be expected. So people gotta stop complaing & wait for Microsoft to get into the nitty grity & get in depth which they havnt had enough time to get the best from the new builds. Technically Itels & Ryzens atm probly be running at 70% of their full potiential till the next 6 months when things come to play same with APU drivers to.
I have sent you the results summary regarding testing of Adrenalin 18.4.1 on Windows 10 18.03, 10 17.09, 8.1 and 7 64 bit.
Hi, this problem persist on new driver version 18.5.1
. Radeon settings of driver version 18.2.2 continues to work correctly over graphic driver v 18.5.1. Someone found the solution to this problem?. Formatting a pc that works correctly does not seem like a solution, only to see if that way the video driver configuration program works well. There would have to be a better solution than formatting the pc.
Could I please ask which GPU you are running?
Which Operating System (Windows 7 64bit Second Edition?, Windows 10 64bit 17.09 or 18.03?).
Did you start with a Clean installation of 18.2.2 but if you then do an incremental, express, update you then hit the problem?
Did u use the latest DDU in safe mode?
Hi guys, my OS is Windows 7 (6.1) Ultimate Edition 64 bits SP1 (built 7601) full updated, I have a ASUS R9 380 2Gb graphic card. I followed all the recommendations of the technical support of AMD. I made clean installations, using ddu (last update version) in safe mode. The people of the technical support of AMD, they surrendered with this problem, they told me to do a formatting of my pc. They also did not give me many options, they told me to make clean installs of the drivers using ddu and install all windows updates available, and not much more. Another answer I got is that I wait until some controller in the future works, that is, I resign myself and until some day this problem is fixed, and my answer was very strong to AMD technical support. I read in other post that some people who have windows 10 also have this problem. Radeon settings version and Driver version do not match. Please try again after updating to latest v... read post of (brucer 15-may-2018 16:26).
Why would i update my whole windows for an faulty driver from amd?. And also knowing that people who have windows 10 have the same problems .
Just installed 18.5.2,facing same issue of "Radeon settings and Driver version do not match"
So you read that it's being investigated from Radeon settings version and Driver version do not match. Please try again after updating to latest v...
Watch that thread for a notification of when it's fixed (or try the suggested workaround for the time being).
I found the solution (for me at least) with "Radeon settings version and Driver version do not match" at the Guru site:
Open Registry Editor and set "DriverVersion"="" in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\CN
Then end the "Radeon Settings" task from the Windows Task Manager or restart the computer.
"Radeon settings version and Driver version do not match also on 18.4.1!! | guru3D Forums"
Hi, unfortunately the solution did not work for me. Thanks also. I complained again to the technical support of AMD (there are now 10 complaints that I open) and I got a different answer to format my PC. They told me that the problem is being investigated and they are working to solve this problem. If the problem persists in the future, I will continue to open complaints to I ask people who have this problem to do it too, reporting it to AMD Support, opening a Ticket to AMD tech Support.
The user ar77 found the solution in the other post, Radeon settings version and Driver version do not match. Please try again after updating to latest v...
what he wrote is the following:
"So mine has finally worked,as someone suggested it was a registry error.
All you have to do is go to regedit.exe , then go to this key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\CN] and you will find DriverVersion.
Now all you have to do is remove whatever the value data is inside and make it blank.Then open task manager and close all AMD related service and then turn on RadeonSettings.It will work like a charm"
I tried it and it worked!. Thanks also to geoman1, but instead of putting a "=" in the registry key, you have to leave it blank, and that's how it works.