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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Radeon RX 5500 XT OC 4gb Problem

My video card stops giving an image on the monitors with certain applications, I am desperate, I have already tried everything that comes on the internet and it keeps happening to me, I have deleted old drivers and installed the new, I have changed the fan, I have changed the source of power, I have changed monitors and it keeps giving me problems

1 Reply

If the screen goes blank but it's not rebooting on it's own or bluescreening, then it's likely a HDCP problem where the monitor you are connecting to (or application you are using) is causing the DRM to abort the HDMI connection.

I had this happen a lot, however since I've disabled HDCP I've not had a blackscreen since (*touch wood*)

You can find the HDCP option in the Adrenaline  program (Settings > Display > Overrides  and Disable HDCP) 

I hope it helps.