I recently did a new clean intall of windows bacause for the new year.
But i ran in the problem that I can't intall the GPU driver for my R9 290.
When installing it goes my screen goes black and after a forced reboot the same would happen until I reboot in to safe mode.
Hope you guys can help.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Only one way what i know how to fix that issue it's modding vbios. You need to set up manual voltages for each DPM state. I can do some tweaks if you upload your vbios or you can do it by yourself using "hawaii bios reader"
Try version 17.7.2. The newer drivers don't work for me as well. Some drivers will give me signal loss on my monitor 3 or 4 times in a row, some will cause the same problem you just described.
Thanks for the info I tryed it but I still keep crashing when installing.
What OS?
Windows 10
Did that like 100 times (not kidding) Doesn't work and the problem is that i cant use my computer because windows automatically will install AMD drivers which causes the crash.
Configure Windows 10 not to install any drivers thru Windows Update. My experience the best way is to do it using Windows Group Policy.
You didn't read the post...or you would have seen:
"" 5. Win10 users..take the necessary steps to prevent/delay Microsoft automatically changing/installing graphics drivers using one of these methods > Windows 10 Forums ""
I did read the post.
I know the windows 10 problem for a long time the thing is that can't even manually install AMD drivers without crashing.
Then why are you saying:
"and the problem is that i cant use my computer because windows automatically will install AMD drivers which causes the crash."
You need to follow the steps in the post.
1. Download and save the correct AMD driver. Do not use "automatically detect and install". Download Drivers
2. Download and save DDU https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html
3. Disable All anti-virus/anti-malware/anti-anything
4. Delete the contents of the C:/AMD folder of all previous drivers
5. Win10 users..take the necessary steps to prevent/delay Microsoft automatically changing/installing graphics drivers using one of these methods > Windows 10 Forums
Did everything you just said and it crashed again.
What is your make and model of your PSU, Motherboard, and CPU/APU?
What errors are you seeing when the computer crashes? is it a BSOD or does it just reboot by itself without any errors showing?
PSU: CoolerMaster V550 semi modular
Model: RS-550-AMAA-G1
Intel Core i5 4690K
Cores 4
Threads 4
Name Intel Core i5 4690K
Code Name Haswell
Package Socket 1150 LGA
Technology 22nm
Specification Intel Core i5-4690K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Manufacturer MSI
Model Z97-G45 GAMING (MS-7821) (SOCKET 0)
Version 1.0
Chipset Vendor Intel
Chipset Model Haswell
Chipset Revision 06
Southbridge Vendor Intel
Southbridge Model Z97
Southbridge Revision 00
System Temperature 25 °C
When installing the display drivers it crashes/freezes with a black screen need force a shuddown.
Your problem could be your PSU is underpowered (550 watts) for your GPU card (R9-290). According to this website : PSU REQUIREMENTS - RealHardTechX you need a minimum PSU of Total System Wattage of 650 Watts.
By the Way, do you have all your GPU power connectors connected from your PSU to the GPU card?. The link above shows that your GPU card has a 6 pin and 8 pin power connector.
Cooler Master has a PSU Calculator you can use to determine the recommended PSU you need for your computer setup. I just inputted your CPU, GPU, 16 gbyte (8x) of DD3 Memory, one 7200 rpm Hard drive sata one DVD burner and one 80mm Fan (just guessing from the info not given) says the recommended Power wattage is 461 watts and Recommends a PSU of 650 Watts (Bronze).
Here is the link: Cooler Master: Power Supply Calculator
Note: I hate JIVE.
I've seen a lot of post about this issue, we all have the same GPU, R9 series....
I experienced the problem way back November 2020. Until now it's not working... I've tried everything but I can't fix it....
Ive the same issue with signal loss with new driver . All drivers after 17.9.3 crash it . do you solve this problem ?
Only one way what i know how to fix that issue it's modding vbios. You need to set up manual voltages for each DPM state. I can do some tweaks if you upload your vbios or you can do it by yourself using "hawaii bios reader"
I will send it to you but its empty now
I got my vbios. can you chage it pls if you have the time. thx
^^^ Its in my original post above.^^^^
your card is CLUB 3D R9 290 4GB and its based on reference PCB?
are willing to take responsibility if the GPU becomes a "brick" after modifying the vBIOS?
Of all the posters I have seen...this is the last one I would suggest modifying anything. My money is on Picnic.
yes i do XD
how do i put it on?
From the DOS. You need to create a bootable dos usb stick (you can find guides in google), download atiflash for dos and use atiflash command something like "atiflash -p 0 290.rom -f" to flash the vbios
I foud away to do it true Download ATI Winflash | TechPowerUp
it worked i checkt and the changes are correct now I wil try to install a driver.
but reference r9 290 has a dual vbios so if something go wrong he can switch to second one and then recover a main vbios
Make sure you give Mr. Cat exact instructions on how to switch vBIOS on the GPU card in case something unexpected happens before he starts to modify the vBIOS. Mr. Cat doesn't sound as though he is not very experience in modifying vBIOSes. I have read also that if your modify the vBIOS, AMD driver may not recognize it in the future. RAY_M or AMD_MATT or someone else may want to clarify that statement for me. I do know that if you replace vBIOS with a different vBIOS, AMD driver won't work.
I did it no worries
Did it fix your problem?
Great, Glad everything worked out. Give credit to Merutsu, something I personally would not have done but as a last resort. But I have read where updating the vBIOS has solved some problems in the past. But it is not that common.
i have the same issue with my r9 290x can u help me
Hello there. Old thread, i know but i also have an ASUS DCuIIOC vBios that could use a mod. I'm new here but can i send you my vbios? (yes, i take responbibility if it bricks my card) Also HOW can i send it to you, i don't see a PM button.
Thank you very much @merutsu !
I´'ve been strugling with this problem for YEARS NOW... Changed Power supply, motherboard, and this NIGHTMARE still persist!
I feel like i´m cursed! Literally!
Mine is an XFX R9 290 DD (Double Dissipation).
I tried everything possible:
Running MSI Afterburner with +25mV added to Core Voltage
Fan Speed at 100%
Countless driver changes...
At the moment i´m with Windows 10 and the driver windows update provided me... But random video signal loss still occurs. There are days that everything works fine, and there are days when it happens twice or more. I don't know the meaning of stable peace anymore, not trusting my own luck.
I was playing Arma 3 about now and all of a sudden my monitors lose video signal. Pressed Reset and nothing. Turned computer off... On again... NOTHING (I´m about to have a heart attack everytime). Switched off my power supply, wait 10 seconds and switch on again, check cables, pray to gods and switch power on ... This time Asus Logo shows up (THANK GOD!).
But i MUST, after all those years find a solution. Can't live like this anymore.
My exact model:
Please HELP ME!
Guys I'm having the same issue. I just got my R9 290 and it black screens after installing or updating the card's drivers ☹️ Is there any fix please? Would dearly appreciate it. Btw I'm new to this.