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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Problemas com driver de vídeo e reconhecimento


TENHO UMA PLACA DE VÍDEO ASUS RX 460 2GB OC EDITION , E ESTOU COM UM POSSÍVEL PROBLEMA COM RECONHECIMENTO DE DRIVER MEU COMPUTADOR NÃO ESTÁ RECONHECENDO OS DRIVER DA PLACA JA TENTEI DE TUDO E NADA SE RESOLVE ELA INSTALA NORMAL MAIS QUANDO TENTO ENTRAR NO PAINEL DE CONTROLE RANDEON ELA APARECE A SEGUINTE MENSAGEM "não há placas da amd instaladas ou o driver da amd não está funcionando corretamente" MAIS JA ESTÁ INSTALADO E CONTINUA DANDO ESSE PROBLEMA FAZ MÁS DE 4 MESES QUE ESTOU COM O MESMO  PROBLEMA JÁ NÃO AGUENTO MAIS. ME AJUDEM A RESOLVER POR FAVOR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Atenciosamente Leonardo Gomes  , nome de usuário zedysz

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Please also provide the essential INFORMATION REQUIRED WHEN POSTING A QUESTION. <--------Importante

This is the latest RX 4xxx series driver for a DESKTOP- Windows 10 & 7 : Desktop .

Make sure your motherboard, if you have a Desktop, BIOS and CHIPSET have the latest updates installed. That will make the latest AMD Drivers to work correctly.

Try this basic method of uninstalling and reinstalling AMD Drivers.

First download the correct Full AMD driver set from AMD Support for your Desktop

Make sure your Windows 10 is fully updated via Windows Update (including Optionals).

Disconnect the Internet from your computer to prevent it from installing a different GPU Driver than the one you are installing.

Use Windows 10 Uninstall to uninstall all AMD Drivers and software. Then use DDU in safe mode to completely eliminate all traces of the old AMD drivers and software related to the GPU.

Delete C:\AMD Folder. This prevents New and Old AMD driver files from installing and corrupting the installation process.

After rebooting from DDU, Reinstall the new AMD Full set of drivers. If it installed correctly, again delete C:\AMD folder to save Hard Disk space and reconnect to the Internet.

When you reply please translate your post from Portuguese to English before posting.


2018-05-03 23:44 GMT-03:00 elstaci <>:

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Re: Problemas com driver de vídeo e reconhecimento in Drivers & Software