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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

Playing -without- Radeon Settings possible?

Hello i was wondering if it's possible to turn off Radeon Settings after applying the OC and Global Settings and play normaly without negative performance?

The reason why i want to disable it is, even though i haven't installed Relive, i get 2-3 Relive tasks in the background and i can't get rid of the new Overlay tasks.

I currently use the newest Version available at this time for W10 on a R9 380.

6 Replies

You can use Autoruns to stop the Relive DVR from starting. > Autoruns for Windows - Windows Sysinternals | Microsoft Docs

Note that you have to run it as Administrator.

Thank you i could disable it now, but what about the question about playing without Radeon Settings altogether? i got mixed answers to that so far,

Some say i won't see a difference perfomance wise or anything, some say i would lose all my settings(for exmaple global settings).

What do you think abou that kingfish?

I usually keep the task open but i experienced system hangs on startup and randomly when it's running in the background, that's why i was thinking about playing without it in the first place.


Well I wouldn't want to do without the ability to change/choose settings for games, etc. But if you are not gaming and doing normal computer stuff it shouldn't hurt to do without them.

You can use Autoruns to stop/prevent the individual AMD processes from automatically running. Give it a's easy to revert. Be sure to run as Administrator or the choices won't stick.


What i did was: i overclocked my card via driver and changed whatever i needed in global settings, then turned it off, restarted and the OC setting is still working so far, but no clue about the actual global settings.

Adept II

yes, it's possible - radeon settings is just an interface app for changing settings, all these settings(OC, global settings etc) are stored in the windows registry. You can modify registry values without radeon settings panel and driver will use them.

I install video driver over windows device manager and everything works fine. AMD control panel/relive/hdmi audio not even installled.

//You can disable amd apps autostart tasks in task scheduler (as far as i know if radeon settings starts, it also launch other amd apps, so you need to disable all tasks).

alright that's the answer i was looking for, thank you good sir!