Has anyone had any issues or performance increases using an RX6900T GPU and Photoshop plus Lightroom. Please note your issues or performance gains.
What issues ARE you having with the AMD GPU card and those professional programs?
I am currently building a new system (PC). Just curious, if anyone has had any issues or compatibility bugs, between Adobe and AMD drivers, for the RX6900XT.
Yes, Adobe Acrobat Pro is extremely slow with both scrolling & resizing the window.This thread is a year old and still problem today with AMD Adrenalin 22.4.1 although it has become a little bit better.https://community.amd.com/t5/drivers-software/adobe-acrobat-pro-dc-slow-with-rx-6900xt/m-p/470557Best regards from Sweden
Thank you. I appreciate your input.