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PC randomly shuts down

My PC randomly shuts down, please, help!

I just bought my new PSU (Corsair RMi 650W). Previously I had Chieftec A-135 Series 650W and then I bought Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G 650W RGB but it broken.

My setup:

ASUS B350-F GAMING Motherboard


SSD HyperX 240G

HDD 1TB WD Black

AMD Ryzen 5 1600

Corsair RMi 650W

When its happening critical error appears at windows system log:

Имя журнала:   System

Источник:      Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power

Дата:          18.07.2018 15:59:54

Код события:   41

Категория задачи:(63)

Уровень:       Критический

Ключевые слова:(70368744177664),(2)

Пользователь:  СИСТЕМА

Компьютер:     Trench


Система перезагрузилась, завершив работу с ошибками. Возможные причины ошибки: система перестала отвечать на запросы, произошел критический сбой или неожиданно отключилось питание.

Xml события:

<Event xmlns="">


    <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power" Guid="{331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}" />







    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2018-07-18T11:59:54.556028300Z" />


    <Correlation />

    <Execution ProcessID="4" ThreadID="8" />



    <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />



    <Data Name="BugcheckCode">0</Data>

    <Data Name="BugcheckParameter1">0x0</Data>

    <Data Name="BugcheckParameter2">0x0</Data>

    <Data Name="BugcheckParameter3">0x0</Data>

    <Data Name="BugcheckParameter4">0x0</Data>

    <Data Name="SleepInProgress">0</Data>

    <Data Name="PowerButtonTimestamp">0</Data>

    <Data Name="BootAppStatus">0</Data>

    <Data Name="Checkpoint">0</Data>

    <Data Name="ConnectedStandbyInProgress">false</Data>

    <Data Name="SystemSleepTransitionsToOn">0</Data>

    <Data Name="CsEntryScenarioInstanceId">0</Data>

    <Data Name="BugcheckInfoFromEFI">true</Data>

    <Data Name="CheckpointStatus">0</Data>



6 Replies

If this is your third PSU, I would check power at the wall outlet to be sure you are getting proper voltage output. Also make sure the PSU Switch is set to the proper voltage for your area (120v or 220v). I believe in Europe, normal Residential and commercial power is 220 Volts while in the US it is 120 volts.

When it shuts down, does it BSOD with error messages or any type of error messages?

Does the Motherboard indicate any troubleshooting LED lights that may be lit up or Trouble Codes?

Do you have your Motherboard and GPU card (8 Pin GPU Power Connector) properly connected to the PSU? 

How long before the computer crashes and shuts off after restarting the computer? 

When it shuts down, does is it shut down as though you hit the "Restart or Power OFF " button on the computer case?

Generally, if a computer shuts downs as though you hit the "Restart or Power OFF " button probably indicates a Power (PSU) or Overheating problem. Could also be caused by a bad hardware that is shorting out the PSU or Motherboard.

Whenever I think it could be a power issue at the wall I always suggest a good sine wave UPS battery backup. They do a good job off leveling of minor power variations. If the power issue is worse you can get into line conditioners and or buck boosters. Absolutely something I would be checking out after several PSU's. Good call elstaci, as usual!

When it shuts down, does it BSOD with error messages or any type of error messages?
It is just a black screen! PC don't react at anything! Like, my keyboard and mouse turns off, but my GPU and Motherboard still working.

Does the Motherboard indicate any troubleshooting LED lights that may be lit up or Trouble Codes?

Do you have your Motherboard and GPU card (8 Pin GPU Power Connector) properly connected to the PSU?
Of course! If it's not, why would it work with my old PSU

How long before the computer crashes and shuts off after restarting the computer?
It is absolutely random.No logical chain. I can play and it will shut down, but I can search for something in the browser and it will shut down

When it shuts down, does is it shut down as though you hit the "Restart or Power OFF " button on the computer case?
No, it doesn't

Generally, if a computer shuts downs as though you hit the "Restart or Power OFF " button probably indicates a Power (PSU) or Overheating problem. Could also be caused by a bad hardware that is shorting out the PSU or Motherboard.
I've been logging temperatures for a day and there is no even 50 degrees...


If your able to boot into Windows, I suggest to download this free diagnostic program called OCCT. It stress tests the CPU/APU/, GPU, and PSU.

If you run the PSU test and it shuts down as soon as the test starts, it may indicate a power problem. I would first run the GPU Test with Errors checked marked for One hour on Full screen and see if it shuts down during the test. You can check both the Temperatures and PSU Outputs while the test is running to determine if you have a power or temperature or GPU problem. After the test, OCCT will link you to the "results" data folder showing all the data accumulated during the test. The Folder will be located at "Documents" inside of the OCCT Folder.

IF the GPU test runs fine, Then I would do the PSU test since you have a new PSU installed, unless you noticed something weird with either the Temperatures or PSU Power outputs.

After 20 mins of PSU stress test PC shut down, here is the results of this test: 12-13 — Yandex.Disk

Previously, I did GPU stresss test for 1 hour: 11-52 — Yandex.Disk

My PSU is broken, right?


Can you post the PSU 12 volt/3.3 volts/ and 5 volts data from OCCT Test?

If it doesn't shut down by itself it probably something else that is occurring.  Need to see if your PSU 12 volts , 5 volts, and 3.3 volts are within range during the testing. Especially post the ones where it crashed during the PSU Test.

The PSU Test is basically running the CPU and GPU test at the same time.

Try running the CPU test and see if it crashes. If it doesn't, again run the PSU Test.

Is your house power 120 or 220 volts?

If it crashes during the PSU Test, does indicate something wrong with either the power or possibly the temperature. 

You have a new PSU so it is hard to believe that it is bad. Like the PSU from before that went bad supposingly.