Hey there, since yesterday when i enter league of legends, my fps is 10-18, while before it was avg 200-220. I tested other games like sekiro, dark souls 3, team fortress 2 and everything works fine as before except in lol where my fps drops to 18. Its clearly a radeon software and not driver issue. Its so bad it got me banned. Disabling overlay doesn't help, only uninstalling software completely? Anyone else same issue? Whats going on?
I am having the exact same issue. I have a support ticket opened with League rn, but no response yet. I also reported the issue thru AMD Adrenalin. No solution/response yet very frustrating. Let me know if you find anything out
I also send a ticket to Riot, first 5min restriction i got because of the internet connection and me unable to fix it since it was provider problem and we had covid. Second time it is because of softwere and overlay, hopefully they will understand the situation... And hopefully amd will fix the issue, ill report to amd support than too, if you find anything let me know.
i uninstalled the newest AMD driver and went back to 20.11.2 driver seems to have solved the problem for now, until they resolve the issue with the newest driver
Ya i went back to and older AMD driver and it seemed to solve it, but then after 5-6 games it started happening again. still talking to riot support about it.
I had gone back to older drivers and I thought it solved the problem, but after 5-6 games with no issue it started happening again 😞 still talking to riot support about it.
I went to newest driver and it seems it resolved the issue. My last drivee update was in november, i thinik 20.11.2. Going to newest driver seemed to fix, gona test it and inform you more... Still no response from riot.