OpenGL is not enabled when using multiple displays, only works when on a single display. Does anybody know how to make OpenGL work?
Happens on both Adrenalin and Pro drivers.
Tried 24.12.1, 24.10.1, 24.5.1, and 24.4.1 all same. Pro 22.q4 worked the first time I installed that driver...
Doing DDU and installing AMD drivers over and over again only to find out that it was a multiple monitor problem... but why?
Does anybody know why and how to fix this problem???
I looked around the web to see if there were any solutions to this, and I haven't found any. I did find out that there were OpenGL problems on AMD/ATI GPUs going back to 2004. Also, it just seems like running multiple monitors with my 6900xt has been a pain in the arse since the first time I got it back in 2022... I might just not buy AMD GPUs from now on... I've had rx480, rx580, went to nvidia for a bit then back to 6900xt and had critical problems like crashing and freezing. It was pretty stable for a while recently and now OpenGL is gone unless I unplug my secondary monitor. Found out after struggling with uninstalling and installing drivers over and over and then remembering to only have one monitor connected while doing so.
Please fix your driver and be competitive, I see zero reason to buy AMD GPU at this rate and even recommending AMD GPU just because it is cheaper than Nvidia feels like a sin. I thought drivers were finally good after a few years but I guess not. Too much hassle and also some applications that I need to use only works better with CUDA. HIPs on Keyshot maybe??
Computer Type: Desktop
Motherboard: Asus Strix X570-i Gaming
BIOS Version: 5021
RAM: 32GB DDR4-3600 G.SKILL Trident Z (16x2)
PSU: Zalman TeraMax II 1000W
Case: Jonsbo D31
Operating System & Version: WINDOWS 11 PRO 22631
GPU Drivers: 32.0.12033.1030 (Adrenalin 24.12.1)
Chipset Drivers: AMD Chipset Software
Background Applications: DISCORD, CHROME
Description of Original Problem: OpenGL is not enabled --> OpenGL does not work when having multiple monitors.
Troubleshooting: OpenGL is enabled when using only one monitor.
I can confirm the problem. OpenGL does not work on 2 monitors, OpenGL is active on one monitor. But you don't have to unplug the 2nd monitor from the PC, it is sufficient to say in the display settings that only monitor 1 should be used (i.e. no expansion or duplication).
My Card is the Sapphire AMD Radeon 6900XT Nitro+
not sure what you are trying to say here... how do you not unplug the 2nd monitor and make the opengl work?
This works for me. So I don't have to unplug the second monitor.
oh, ok that works too I guess but still AMD needs to fix this problem.
I've got a similar problem. Some application like Cura 5.4 won't start and crash with a OpenGL Error. Disabling every monitor instead of one is a valid workaround. I tried following drivers:
25.2.1 crash
24.12.1 crash
24.9.1 crash
23.3.1 no crash
What can i do rather than downgrading to a 23.x.x driver? Please fix the issue.
Yea I'm trying to use Cura too but it crashes unless I only use a single monitor. annoying. Also Fusion 360 started crashing unless I use single monitor.
Hi, everyone
(1) Tell me your two Monitor make & models, Is there anything special about your monitors?
(2) If possible, try using a different monitor combination
(3) Is your machine any different, or is it just like a normal user's desktop machine ?
(4) Do all OpenGL applications/games stop working? An easy way to verify this is to run the OpenGL demo of the GPUCapsViwer app.
We often use two monitors in our daily work, but we have not encounter this issue, so for users who encounter this problem, Provide any suspicious or special hardware and software configurations in your machine to help us locate and reproduce the problem.
Hi, thanks for replying.
1. I was using LG 32GQ850L and Zeuslap P16KT the zeuslap is a portable 16" monitor with touch. (I used this because I didn't want to use two big monitors...)
2. I read your reply and decided to just use two big monitors that I have. LG 34GK950F and LG 32GQ850L. Seems to work fine with OpenGL applications now.
3. Just a normal desktop.
4. Not sure if it is all OpenGL applications but I was trying to use Cura for 3D printing and it would not open, giving me an OpenGL back-end missing error. Then Fusion 360 started to behave weirdly (It worked fine for a few months) and started to crash on startup. I checked GPU-Z and OpenGL was missing when I had the zeuslap connected.
It seems like the Zeuslap P16KT is the problem here right now but why should it be a problem? I tried the same monitor combination with my other PC with an nvidia GPU and it had no problems.
Also, since you are here, I'd like to ask some more things. I noticed that AMD put out the AMD ProRender plugin for Autodesk Inventor three years ago but not for Autodesk Fusion360. Also, speaking of rendering, I want to know if AMD would work with Keyshot so people like me can use an AMD GPU to render with Keyshot. More 3D rendering support on AMD GPU, please? (Increase GPU market share?)
(1) summarize current status: right?
LG 34GK950F + LG 32GQ850L: Cura and Fusion 360 work fine
LG 32GQ850L + Zeuslap P16KT: OpenGL back-end missing error when try to open Cura.
Cura is an opengl app
(2) For AMD ProRender, it seems that it is not implemented by opengl, right? so you may need to create a new discussion in the corresponding community section.
(3) can you please help verify that the opengl/vulkan/opencl is working properly? download the latest GPUCapsViwer app and pick a few openGL demos, vulkan demos, and openCL demos to run. it will only take you a few minutes to complete.
1. yes
2. I dont think you understood that part right. What I was saying is that AMD should make their GPUs more compatible with 3D rendering software because it seems like a whole lot of 3D rendering software runs on CUDA only or works better on CUDA.
3. display 3 is the zeuslap and with it cura doesn't open. The demo built into the gpu caps viewer works fine with the zeuslap monitor.
I disconnected the zeuslap and then I tried downloading the demos on opengl site and it gave me GLU.dll was not found, glut.dll was not found, and opengl.dll was not found. I tried downloading and running and So it seems like opengl is not installing properly from the AMD driver?
(1) GLU.dll ... was not found when running the walker and glutmech demos: this issue only occurs after a failed attempt to open the cura. if run these demos first instead of running the cura first, these demos will run successfully, so it seems that trying to open cura breaks the opengl, right?
(2) opengl demos of gpu_caps_viewer works fine with the zeuslap monitor, so actually OpenGL is enabled. Can you try to run the opengl demos of gpu_caps_viewer after a failed attempt to open the cura ?