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PC Drivers & Software

Adept II

OpenGL game crash

Dear support team,
Two games I have in my Steam library from Kube Games and Slitherine won't start anymore after installing any of the 21 series AMD drivers.
Those games both worked fine with any driver version until the last 20 series. Agressors Ancient Rome and Imperiums Greek Wars are the game titles.
In the Steam forums and Discord I read everyone has the same problem, except Nvidia users. The developer advices us to install the older 20 series driver.
I did exactly as you told me to do in the e-mail. I attached all DXDiag files from the driver that worked, the proof that I used DDU to uninstall any AMD driver and the DXDiag of the latest 21.5.2 driver.
The mentioned games crash on loading back to the games launcher. With the 20 series driver (and everything the last seven years) the game worked fine.
The dev is able to provide you with a free Steam key for the game if needed for troubleshooting.
Thank you very much for support.
34 Replies
Journeyman III

Dear AMD,

This problem was caused by your updates and cannot be worked around by the game developer. It's been 6 months.... please fix!


If the problem only started after you updated your drivers, you could try regressing them to a previous version, which you can find on the AMD website by searching for your card's name, going to the result, and scrolling down to just below all the available drivers where there will be a link to take you to the previous versions.


After a few months the issue seems to be fixed for players able to install the latest 21.6.1 driver. The bug that caused the game to crash is solved. However the 21.6.1 driver isn't available for the R7 card I use. Is there any change the 21.5.2 driver for the R7 will updated to the 21.6.1 driver anytime soon? Thank you.


One month has passed and still the situation is the same.

Games were working fine with my AMD R7 card until the 21.5.2 driver update and since the mentioned games won't start anymore because a bug in AMD software.

Newer cards already received a new update with the 21.6.1 driver and other players and as I can learn from forum posts can play the games again since the bug is fixed.

But for the R7 card the driver isn't updated anymore since May. Do the R7 card gets any updated driver soon that is comparable with the 21.6.1 driver with the bug fixed or not? Thanks in advance.



Not expecting a reply, but did you end up solving it? 


I'm getting the same on an RX 6600


Hey, if you are getting any issues with OpenGL games, please provide the following information so that we could quickly reproduce it and fix:

- game title(s) and version plus link to the game(s) (e.g. from Steam)

- in-game graphics settings 

- OS version 

- driver version

- in-Adrenalin-Panel settings (if not the default)

- your GPU and CPU 



Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered:


Darkest Dungeon:


Graphics settings cant be changed in either of these games.


OS: Win10 64bit

Driver: 24.10.1 (but the issue persists on all versions after 24.1.1)


Default Adrenaline for both games.


RX 6600 and Intel i7


Would you like fries with that




What issue(s) do you observe exactly? 

Because internally we cannot reproduce any issue with those games.

Maybe you could share some screenshots or recorded video of the issue(s)?


Have you tried to fully uninstall the driver with either:

AMD Cleanup Utility 


Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU)

and reinstall the most recent driver once again?



It's a CTD on app start up. 

So the app starts up with a black screen and it immediately crashes before rendering any graphics.




Yes I used the Cleanup Utility and the only change I observed after reinstalling the latest patch was all my Adrenaline settings where deleted -_-


game title: Wolfenstein New Order, current version from Steam

game settings: N/A, black screen after launch, intro video sound is heard in the background

OS version: Win10 22h2, all latest patches applied

driver version: 24.10.1

driver settings: all default

GPU: Asrock 6900xt Phantom gaming 

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7950x3d


Other games: Project Diablo 2 (or vanilla Diablo 2 with D2GL mod), Half Life Opposing Force (latest version from steam) - all crash on startup with GL initialization error. Also, GLview from Realtech VR (latest version from their site) does not show any information on OpenGL. 


All of these games work fine with 24.5.1 or atioglxx / atio6axx from that driver package. 


I just installed Wolf.:TNO, no problem launching/playing.

Same with HL:OF. Do you have HL1 installed & working?


My PC- Ryzen 5 5600x, B550 aorus pro ac, Hyper 212 black, 2 x 16gb F4-3600c16dgtzn kit, NM790 2TB, Nitro+RX6900XT, RM850, Win.10 Pro., LC27G55T.
Adept I

No, with 24.10.1 no OpenGL fullscreen game / applicaiton works, but it works fine with either 24.5.1 installed or if I use the DLLs from that driver via registry change.  


Can you tell us which gfx hardware you're using, and exactly which titles you're attempting to run?


@AMD-Vik I'm having the same issue. Many OpenGL games and apps aren't working for me in 24.10.1 and only start working when I go back to 24.5.1, as mentioned in this topic I opened some days ago:


So far, I've tested MAME (0.269), PCXS2 (v2.0.2) and Blue Revolver (a game on Steam) and none of them work in OpenGL (which prevents me from playing Blue Revolver at all, as it doesn't support any other API). I'm running an RX 5500 XT 4GB.


I see. Are you presently on 24.10.1? If so, can you verify the OpenGL UMD is present using something like GPU-Z?


Does an AMD Cleanup Utility or DDU install influence this at all?



Yes, I'm presently on 24.10.1 and the OpenGL 4.6 UMD does seem to be present.


I've already tried using AMD Cleanup Utility, to no avail.


Thank you for verifying.

I've tried some sample / homebrew ROMs on a NV14 based workstation on 24.10.1, I've not been able to reproduce the issue after setting the gfx API to OGL from 'Auto' (Vulkan in my case).

In your other post, you noted that you're on Win11 23H2. I'm curious if you have a package like this presently installed on your system via the Windows Store?




I checked on Windows Store and I don't have it installed. Should I go ahead and try installing it?


(Sorry for the image in Portuguese, I can't seem to change the language on the app even though the rest of my Windows is in English)


Thanks for the info.

No, please keep that uninstalled - it's designed for WoA devices with no native Khronos API UMDs for Windows.


Can you use an app like glCapsViewer (, save all of the OpenGL info it gathers to XML, and send that over to us?


I've uploaded the XML file to Google Drive:

Today I also tested Half-Life 1 (the most current version installed directly from Steam), and all I get is the black screen bellow (there's sound, as I can hear Valve's intro, but that's all). I assume the same is true for any other OpenGL Valve game, such as Counter Strike 1.6 and Team Fortress Classic.


I should note that I've updated Windows 11 this past week to the newest 24H2 version and also upgraded AMD drivers to 24.12.1. The problem still persists, though.


~~Ignore - double posted~~


How come this issue isn't listed in Known Issues in the new patch notes? 

The new 24.12.1 hasnt fixed it and two AMD staff members have responded in this thread without being able to solve it.

Also want to add Symphony of War to the list of games that also dont work properly. The screen freezes when in full screen mode and when I set 'Fullscreen - 1920x1080' in the game's .json, the game crashes with the same error message as Darkest Dungeon does when I try open that: Error creating context: wglMakeCurrent(): The handle is invalid.

Tomb Raider Remasters crash to desktop as soon as app starts up.

Only way I can play these games without error is rolling back to 24.1.1 but then I cant play the newer games that require updated drivers.


Key reason is that we hadn't reproduced any of these OpenGL issues reported as of 24.6.1 internally.

We've had some luck very recently with blue revolver on a very specific display, (running at a 280Hz overclock mode). Where we once suspected our OGL GFX UMDs were not properly installing for specific end users, we're now thinking these behaviours are display-specific.

Journeyman III

I have the same issue with two different openGL games (running 5700 XT, latest drivers. Uninstalled with AMD uninstalled tool, etc) Dominions 6 and Balatro.  It has been this way since late aug-early Sept, probably related to some AMD driver update. I am not sure which update SPECIFICALLY because I do not play these open GL games that often and I commonly boot my PC up and check driver updates and may have done multiple in between. 


My problem is the same as other users above, a black screen with only the game audio playing. With Dominions 6 I found a "fix" by forcing the game to launch as a window with a low resolution (720) and then "maximizing" the screen. Lucky that game is a ugly pixeled mess to begin with and I can ignore the graphical errors caused by simply stretching the game.

Balatro simply crashes on startup and gives an error (see attached)image.png image.png

I found something quite interesting thanks to your example with Balatro.

Balatro had been working fine for me since I bought it last month, which is weird considering Blue Revolver (the game I used as an example in this topic:, a game that's also made with LOVE and, thus, runs on OpenGL, isn't working.

So I went to check my copy of Balatro again and, yes, the games runs just fine. But it was running at 720p (and I couldn't change it to 1080p for some reason). So I went to the .exe's Compatibility settings to try changing the high DPI settings and, as soon I selected the scaling override behavior, the game stopped launching.

OpenGLStruggle_0-1733619410233.png OpenGLStruggle_1-1733619443187.png OpenGLStruggle_2-1733619458744.png


Reverting the the setting back to no override makes the game launch again, but it still gets stuck to 720p.

OpenGLStruggle_3-1733619516318.png OpenGLStruggle_4-1733619562229.png


So the issue seems to be related to OpenGL games when running at the screen's native resolution (in my case, it's a 1080p television).


@OpenGLStruggleand @Ohslowpoke these replies are spot on and have done better investigating of the issue than anyone I've spoke to from AMD on these forums. I'm finding the same thing with the games I have.

@AMD-Vik @peruka93 please forward this somewhere where someone at AMD will actually use the information we're giving because as long as it's not being mentioned in the Known Issues section, I'm going to assume AMD software's bug reporting tool hasnt worked in months or issues like this are being ignored on purpose just because there isn't an obvious and easy fix.


@Rikimaru  @OpenGLStruggle  @Ohslowpoke 

Do you guys have DPI scaling set different than 100% in Windows OS?





Negative. I'm on 100% (Recommended)


I usually have it at 150% (playing on a television, which is probably the reason why Balastro has been running at 720p if I don't select the high DPI scale override), but I did try going back to 100% when testing every game/application that wasn't working and it didn't change anything.

Journeyman III

My scale is set to 100, so no. @peruka93 


For now, we're suspecting that the OpenGL UMDs are not properly installing on impacted systems.

To help us verify, could you folks please share an INF log following a driver install of 24.6.1 or newer?

After installing the driver package, you should be able to find the log file over at:



Bear in mind that older INF logs have datestamps prepended to the file names like so:


Some of these may pertain to prior Adrenalin installations.



I cant be relied upon to help fix your products any further. Also filling out a captcha just to get an error trying to reply on this site **bleep**ing sucks.


@Ohslowpoke @OpenGLStruggle 

Could you please share the Display Settings like in the screenshot attached?

How many displays are you using? Could you please provide the models + screen resolution + cable type (DisplayPort or HDMI or sth else)?
Could you please try run the game with only one display physically connected to the GPU?
Could you please try different cable type used (DisplayPort / HDMI)?







RX 5500 XT 4GB connected via HDMI to a single 1920x1080 Samsung television. No other screens connected. I don't have a way to test it via DisplayPort, unfortunately.