a week ago I got a Sapphire RX 5700XT Nitro+. I tried to use Eyefinty but without result.
I use Win 7 64 ultimate with sevice pack 1.
I use the latest Adrenalin driver of 19th Oct. I can use the surface as usual.
There are one monitor and two projectors I use. One control monitor with DVI input and two projectors CRT with a special resolution of 1056x1080 @48 hz.
Both Projectors are Sony G70, one via DVI and the other one with HDMI input. But no eyefinity is possible. Then I tried both projectors with HDMI input and in add. I tried to use an active display port adapter to HDMI. But whatever I try no eyefinity is possible.
I press the button and alwas I see the message:
Eyefinity was changed and quick installation was not able to finish.
I hope you can help me.
In the official guide of AMD I could not find a solution.
Best regards