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New StoreMi drivers cause bsods on windows 11
I was very happy when I saw the new drivers for StoreMi and quickly turned into disappointment. After installing them on my windows 11 got non stop bsods, only when I managed to uninstall the drivers, the bsods stoped. Reverted back to windows 10 and the only bsod I got was on the restart. The rest has been stable so far under windows 10.
Is someone experiencing the same as me under windows 11?
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Forget what I said.
These drivers are also unstable on Windows 10.
These drivers are useless.
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Can you please provide your full system details and DXdiag info ?
Dxdiag : [https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/open-and-run-dxdiag-exe-dad7792c-2ad5-f6cd-5a37-bf92228d...]
It will be helpful to debug further on this issue ..
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Who do I send the details to? This dialogue box is limited to 35.000 characters.
Thanks for the reply.
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Copy the logs in to "dropbox" and share the link of it.
Will access/ download the logs from dropbox..
Thank you !
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Thank you for the quick reply !!
Will look in to it. Try to get back to you ASAP..
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Thank you.
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Installed the new StoreMI and it installed perfectly and I was able to create storemi storage. After a few minutes, pc crashed, BSOD with kernel heap corruption, restart the pc then bam! BSOD again, now its bad pool caller error. Restart pc again, then another BSOD, now its irql_not_less_or_equal. Tried in Safe Mode to unistall StoreMI, but before I got to unistall it another BSOD, same error, kernel heap corruption. Tried Safe Mode again to use system restore, in the middle of systerm restore, its another BSOD, again its bad pool caller error. No other way to fix as I have tried also to reset the PC without success as it always crashed in the middle of restoring and resetting. New StoreMi version gives me more headache. Last resort was to reinstall Windows.
5950x stepping B2 on MSI X570 ace. Cache drive 250gb samsung evo ssd
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I submitted my sysinfo on Monday. No answer yet. It seems like the problem is much worse than I thought.
Right now I'm on a trial version of Primocache and I love it. Still waiting for AMD to roll proper drivers, if they take too long, I'll just buy the full version and forget about StoreMi.
StoreMi shouldn't be so buggy. Comparing to Primocache, StoreMi is hardware bound.
Not Good Enough!
Welcome to the boat.
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apologize for the delay..
Did you installed Radeon display software on your system ? also can you please share Storemi UI log as well ?
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No, I didn't install any Radeon display software. Regarding the StoreMi log UI can I get without installing the drivers, because if I do, it will cause BSODS and I'll be forced to reinstall my windows.
Thanks for the reply.
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Tried again with the new bios update and it failed. I keep getting BSODS.
Please find the link of my StoreMi intallation logs.
Thank you.
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Dear AMD
Please test your softwares before releasing it to the public. I just finished reinstalling and setting up my new windows 10 then installed this STOREMI2 piece of s*** and now I can't get to my windows 10. I get BSOD all the time.
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Seems like it's a given, their software isn't keeping up with their hardware. They should focus equally on both. I'm really disappointed with this StoreMi debacle.
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@AMDeeHas there been any progress on this?
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I wanted to chime in on this as well. I am having the same issues here as everyone else is describing...
I'm on a relativity fresh Windows 10 installation and did not have any issues with BSODs until attempting the install the latest StoreMI version available on the AMD site as of this post on a x570 chipset. All of the other drivers for chipset, graphics and Ryzen Master are installed and running just fine, but as soon as I tried to get StoreMI running, I am getting the same BSOD errors as described in this thread. I am only back up and running because I was able to use a restore point.
I did have a previous version of StoreMI running on my previous Windows installation, but I believe when it updated it caused the same issue and I assumed it was a one off problem with corruption and I reinstalled Windows. Thankfully this time I didn't need to do that. Still, what a pain. It all makes sense what happened to my previous Windows installation anyways...
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Windows 10では、ストアMI2.0はセキュアブートを無効にして正常に動作していました。
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I have had exactly the same problem when installing storemi, after a reinstall of windows 11 when installing storemi it happened again.
One of these BSOD:
Without storemi I have no problem.
I assume it's a bug in the storemi version.
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I just spend the day fixing the same issue.
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I too get Bad Pool Caller BSOD after installing Store Mi, thanks god System Restore fixes it.

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when you recreated your disk configuration and partitioning with the new STORE MI setup and installation procedures first.. was it causing some sort of bluescreen with the installation exe setup file? or the DOS like uhh boot disk type command prompt where you assign which drive is which and sorta ARRAY them up assign the highest drive (master drive and its slave drives in the tiering)
STORE MI isnt so much of a driver but a RAID format type like RAID 0 or stripeable, but its drive tiering array so the most used files are always placed on the fastest NVME/SSD drive first which you must create without any data on there and do with reboots and stuff before the OS and things are installed to it its ablank drive system. Then you install the OS perhaps again once the partitioning is done? i do not think it actually requires RAID be enabled in bios though. the drive tiering is used in datacenters and webservers so you can many larger slower cheaper volumes and then still have SSD/NVME performance. its the thing intels optane tried super hard to copy like 20 years later and ripoff and pretend is a new intel thing along with pretending their mirror image of the open standard samsung NVME non volatile memory express which magically became something completely different called volatile memory express. So yeah they took two decades old well known things and pretended its a new intel thing AS ALWAYS only usually their new intel and nvidia things are 50 year old AMD things so.. hey at least they're getting better at figuring out how to uhh poorly duplicate? so umm
basically i think its like using microsoft disk manager to software RAID stripe up your drives as in it never requires drivers at all? its a partitioning system.. if u get what i mean? or is there like a "device manager> DISK VOLUMES > STORE MI " device and its drivers that you are seeing which you installed the drivers for?
I also forgot to mention, store MI being much faster requires faster memory and bandwidth usage than regular default installation. If you ever tried to overclock things or LOWER THE POWER to devices or ECO MODE bull**bleep** then set your computer to hyperwarp speed.. naturally you will have a bad time. so dial stuff to max performance actually uses power to actually use your computer mode. that low power modes is for mobile phones and laptops when they are running google docs or microsoft word at the office as those battery powered devices use the same PCI express bus and RAM just often terribly crippled you buy a 2000 dollar gaming AMD advantage laptop and its samsung bdie ram and samsung NVME get stolen and its set to use so little power it cant function and had its bus halved and stuck with soldered in LPDDR which isnt even maybe 105% performance of real RAM and the cheapest NVME and ram that costs $13 total. . GET RID OF ALL OVERCLOCKING THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE since you had to reinstall with the new partitioning for the store MI or you arent using it at all.. well you probably have a restore point or an image of the clean new install. it may be some drive imaging or monitoring or backup system you have in place or some other app you installed that doesnt like the partition arrangement. also depending on you drive partitioning and tiering system when you run admin command prompt or powershell / terminal in windows you should use the defrag command for tiered drives im not too sure about the terming and not fully certain but the SLAB defragmentation maybe one of the things to consider too uhh was it like defrag.exe c: /K /M ? or was it /G /M ? /O is regular optimize trim and theres /L and /D of course uhh well yeah figure it out it all depends on the type of drives you use and the formatting/partitioning and array types.. Also ensure your BIOS is set correctly and you are using appropriate PCIE gen4 or above4G decoding is enabled and Resizeable Bar and try in AHCI mode. IMPORTANTLY try with all your BIOS RAM timings set to auto do not load XMP.. XMP is always unstable and is designed to cripple AMD computers use extreme overclocking profiles from intel as a reference it massively increases latency rather than lowers it it also voids all warranties the second its enabled(XMP that is).
maybe try with reset bios clear cmos and unplug power and short the CMOS jumpers or maybe take the bios battery out of the board a minute or two for good measure then place back in then try with your CPU and RAM to defaults if you want more performance just enable PBO and lower your RAM latency.. all DDR memory like DDR 2 is actually just the same 100mhz or whatever old SD RAM .. so you see DDR 3 has latency of 1-4NS right? DDR 2 is just taking SDRAM / and doubling its speed by shaving a fraction of a nanosecond off or a single nanosecond so the RAM goes double the speed. if you go from 9ns down to 8 its like 64times faster. so DDR 5 58ns delays is bull**bleep** because intels XMP RAM is fake.
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This issue is after installing the program and restarting (even before creating any tiered setup) Windows won't boot without the BSOD errors described in this thread. Roll back to before the install, everything works again.
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This issue also seems to be on windows 10 as well, after wiping and reloading windows whenever you install store Mi, PC has a BSOD. Only way to get your PC going again is to role back the StoreMi driver and uninstall StoreMi. To anyone having this issue, Don’t install StoreMi until there is a fix. Chipset driver doesn’t seem to change the issue either. Hopefully AMD gets this sorted sooner rather than later.
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I can confirm Windows 10 having the same issue. Going on 3 years now and we still haven't had a single stable StoreMi version.

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Actually if I recall store mi might have had a name change or not work in some specific models of amd boards past a certain date was what I read.. I think intel either paid a fortune to try and license it though drive tiering is 60s PC tech and used to be how all ide drives had slave and master jumpers to connect them to any PC up until sata hit the scene and scsi began using fibre channel. Its just a raid like array that places frequntky accessed data on the master. In guessing intel optane and other things they made with it suck performance wise so they need to buy up or pluck out the bin cheap decades old amd parts to pretend intel ever invented or made anything and that it actually has performance at all or features. So they uhh kinda kill off something or steal something away then shove it up their butts for decades its what intel and nvidia do for decades then sell you 50 years old amd tech they kept off the market for hundred timed the price once its free and open source or not longer copyrighted after 50 years laws change. Them rename it make it looks and sound and seem different. Like how Intel used a 2 dollars in the 90s nokia phone calculator part for all their i9s for close 20 years and a scientific calculator for 50 bucks OS worlds more powerful. Or ray tracing and ray marching and the most recent 1970s ray casting I use all 3 at once on my rx630 LG v60 snapdragon 865 phone. And my ryzen 5700g and 5700xt. So yeah the voodoo 3dfx made with amd tech raytraced too btw in the 90s its why people joke old linux quake 2 is the nvidia rtx demo nvidia killed off voodoo cards
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guys I’m having the exact same issue, 3 different bsod screens as stated by the previous poster, all right after restarting my pc to finish setting up StoreMI technology. Also unable to boot up into safe mode no matter what I try. All I have access to is the bios (already factory reset all bios settings so that can’t be the issue). I also don’t have a flash drive on hand so I’m gonna have to get one in order to reinstall windows. Can’t believe problems as big as this can occur.
Windows 11 (had it installed for literally an hour, upgraded from windows 10 with a 2 dollar license)
RX 6600
Ryzen 5 3600
16 GB 3200mhz DDR4 GeIL AMD ram
MSI b450 Gaming Plus MAX
Hope this helps someone come up with a solution. Also been having issues with CPU overheating when idle (60-70 degrees). not sure if that’s related to the issue.
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Let me guess: AMD still hasn’t fixed this or pulled their disaster of a driver from the site. Absolute embarrassment.
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No they haven't and has been quite a while.
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and to top it, I can't even uninstall this sh1t, because windows 11 fallback restart command prompt keep starting from an imaginary X backup drive, so I can't reach C drive at all.
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I installed a new os, to rename the amd folder to block windows 11 to reach it, but starting the windows 11 the problem still the same, bsod after starting up.
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Is this caused because we have Standard Sata AHCI Drivers from Microsoft and not AMD SATA drivers. I would like to install AMD SATA drivers but I cant find them anywhere.
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Recently got all 3 BSODs (Kernel, Bad pool, and the other I can't remember) after updating the drivers for my MSI Carbon Pro x570. It wouldn't let me run most programs from either of my NVMes. But after 2 weeks of not being able to use my PC without BSODs I found out why! The updated store mi drivers replaced the Standard NVM Express controllers with, "StoreMI Bottom Device" whatever the hell that is. Rolled back to the standard NVME controller BOOM no more BSODs! Removed the storeMi controllers from everything else and now my data transfers and downloads are back up to full speed (this was also an issue but not as big as the PC NOT BEING ABLE TO BE USED). TLDR: remove all storeMI drivers and revert back to stock storage controllers to resolve bugs and BSODs.
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Hi all,
I was doing well on StoreMI version on Windows 11. My mind said I have to check for updates. Latest version of course occured in BSODs. At the begining I didnt realized that updated storemi was the problem, so I simply reinsalled WINDOWS 11. After reinstalation and instalation again StoreMI bsods were back. This time I went into emergency mode and unistalled StoreMI. Then Windows were back to life. In the internet eternity i found previous version of the StoreMI ( After instalation for now everything works fine.
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same issues for me also. downloaded from web . can confirm it works. thank u.
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Windows 11 fully updated as of now...
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On windows 10 and this just happened to me last night, did a reset (kept personal files) on my pc after I couldn’t get it to boot and it’s still stuck in a BSOD loop.. someone told me to do a CMOS battery reset, which I haven’t tried yet.. but I did try a system restore and apparently it said I didn’t have enough space on my C drive to do it so now im just f’d I guess..
Would you guys recommend doing the cmos reset or just fully reset the pc?!
Words can not explain how upset I am right now..
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Did a factory reset, and it’s still BSOD’ng before it can even boot.. AMD might be the dumbest company ever for allowing this stuff to be downloaded. Nearly $4000 gone down the drain.