Ah the promised land has arrived.
With this news AMD I wont pursue any more driver fixes for the Asus Rog Ally, you lose. I'm getting a Steam Deck now with this news released.
This will probably be the experience I've been asking for since I started begging for fixes.
You failed. And you should be ashamed.
If you fix it, its too little too late now. You absolutely lose. You have failed your community.
I dont care what people say, AMD have grossly failed the community when fixing stuff that is getting CONSTANTLY reported here....
It would seem driver fixes are the least of ASUS' problems with the ROG Ally.
Gamers Nexus - ASUS Scammed Us
Ah yes I heard about that.
The steam page lists Dx11 as the requirement.
The EGS one lists Dx12 as the requirement.
I will test the steam versions of KH on the Ally.
I suggest some test it on the 7000 AMD GPUs when it drops.
Remember the gaben unlock steam now so if u have modified cooler u can OC the steam deck, also worth mention u can use mods to bring AMD FSR 3.0 Frame Gen mods into games