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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Monitor Blackscreen after Radeon RX 5500 driver update


after a driver update my monitor blackscreens after booting into Windows. I know it is a driver issue because I am dualbooting Ubuntu and that works just fine. I can't access BIOS to fix this, because the monitor doesn't work while booting (not caused by this update, has been that way since I built my pc). Do I have to reinstall Windows or is there some other way I can try to fix this?


Motherboard: ASRock B450M Pro4 Micro ATX AM4

Graphics Card: 8GB MSI Radeon RX 5500 XT MECH 8G OC DDR6

Monitor: iiyama ProLite XUB2792HSU-B1


1 Reply
Adept II

If the blackscreens are caused by a driver update, you should try to start windows into safe mode and remove the drivers using DDU. After the blackscreen happens, hold the power button until the PC is fully shutdown. Do this a couple of times until windows asks you to select an option. Select Troubleshoot, Advanced options, Startup settings, and click restart. In the next restart  you can access safe mode pressing the F4 button on your keyboard, and uninstall the drivers using DDU