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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Minecraft (JAVA Edition) not using my Rx570 Dedicated Memory or not even using the GPU

Recently I bought an Rx 570 8GB , it seemed to work pretty much as expected, but on Minecraft it didn't seem to even recognize it I did everything every single fix to solve it but unfortunately I guess Nividia has recognized this issue and fixed it with their software panel, and AMD didn't. The thing is Minecraft is a CPU dependable game and it doesn't use the GPU I mean I am still having the same FPS or the same game quality as I had with my R7 Radeon GPU I hope someone get involved in this thing and help me and help all of the Minecraft users who are using AMD GPUs. I think it's a very easy thing AMD can add with their new software update as Nividia has already done it.

 Minecraft not using dedicated GPU - YouTube 

This tutorial shows how much its easy to switch from integrated to dedicated GPU memory on Nividia Cards.

I hope I can get a fast reply.

Thank you.

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