Fixed Issues
So I updated to 19.1.1 because the software recommended it. Then as soon as I did it recommended I go back to older software than I had installed before. I would not call that fixed. AMD can't seem to decide what software they want you to run. Same bug as last 2 drivers, NOT FIXED AMD.
Didn't know 18.2.2 was new? Seem to recall it being out a while now. 🙂
Message was edited by: Matt B
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Very fixed it on my computers
Could it be that I don't have (or use) overlay, etc enabled?
could be, mine:
I'll change mine see what happens.
Good call on the issue although it is still a bug but that is the difference. I change that setting, killed radeon settings and restarted it now I get:
Shame AMD can't figure it out in 2 seconds like you did!
Nope never mind guess it needed a second to change its mind again. It's back with overlay off!
Rats. Did you do a restart during that time?
Not before I posted again. Since then I have restarted the computer it is still showing to downgrade the driver. 3 supposed fixes debunked by me so far in less than an hour! Great job AMD! Funniest part is their so called independent lab test this supposedly on RX 580 with i7-7700k, which is exactly my config too!
It might be worth reporting it to AMD and include those screenshots. It sounds like it would be easy to fix...the cause/error has been isolated...but I squealed (loudly) for 4-5 months about the profiles not overriding the global settings before it got fixed.
hiding the issue does not solve it. and that's not the only issue with current version. today after installing the 19.1.1 i couldn't play anything since any time i started anything, my cpu and gpu were both pushed to 100%.
be helpful or don't be.
So far it's not showing in the 'Radeon Settings Advisor' for me after half a doz. restarts/shutdowns.
I did not install ReLive...did you? I have restarted several times myself and get the normal screen
Relive no, not yet..
I don't install re-live either.
Do the manual check and click check for updates. See what it says then. I had just gone back in again after toggling the overlay off again and it did not show. As soon as I did the manual check it was wrong again.
Yeah checking brings it back up.
The only thing I think is wrong with it, is the wording 'New Recommended'.
But the release notes fix for the 'Advisor' section seems to be good so far.
I still have this glitch as well, my settings are as shown:
GPU: Radeon RX580
Resolution: 3840x2160
I'm also still having this problem. Like others, it is recommending that I "upgrade" to version 18.12.2 even though I'm running version 19.1.1.
i have the same problem, relive is installed. overlay and upgrade advisor is open but i ve tried to turn it off and still same problem.
Posting on the forum about this issue is not going to get it fixed. This will > Online Service Request | AMD
I already did that, there's no harm in confirming that others are having the issue as well. At first I thought it was something wrong on my end.
i dont have to report amd's problems, they can check here if they want which they dont. still behind nvidia because of drivers.
Good'll go far in this world.
good to know as a space engineer.
They definitely changed they are trying. I guess. On the previous version ( 18.2.2) I had the same options disabled and still got the notice. I still haven't with 19.1.1. I am not about to "check for updates" ...thanks for the warning.
Are you still on Win 7 it's certainly possible it behave different there too?
Yup, still hanging on...but it seems as if it changed for me...some error/something must have been found and corrected. Did you get your computer/notifications back to normal after you checked for updates?
This issue is really only a nuisance, where the "AMD User Experience Program", which is enabled/selected by default, can really impact the performance (gaming). I'm not against it, but users should have to select it and know the cost of participating.
could not agree more! I always think that any telemetry should come with a complete explanation of what it does and who they share information with. I also think that not participating should be the default.
over here.
CALL me when it get's fixed.....Two update's and nadda..hmmmm time to fire some engineers I guess....
In new driver version 19.1.2, is again recommended old driver 19.1.1 . Pls fix this.
Everyone needs to report this continuing issue to AMD. The more complaints they hear the more likely they get that users don't like it : Online Service Request | AMD