For years now, every linux driver blob provided on AMD's site is accompanied with the following caveat in the release notes:
Note: Customers who have upgraded to the latest 4.15 Kernel for Ubuntu will need to use an 18.20 based driver such as Radeon™ Pro Software Adrenalin Edition 18.Q3 for Linux.
Even though 4.15.x hasn't been the latest kernel train for over three years and 18.Q3 is now a fairly ancient release. Is this note intentional or just cruft that was never cleaned off the site? Does it mean that a (relatively) newer driver such as 19.Q1 won't work with 4.15.x? Are they referring to the latest kernel period or actually the latest 4.15.x? And why mention this for Ubuntu 20.04.1 when Ubuntu 20.x and derivatives ship on the 5.x kernel stream and AMD driver pkgs are at version 21.Q1?
Am I supposed to heed this note or not?
It is material to me because I have some machines on older kernels and sometimes I need to debug driver issues, and I need clarity as to whether newer driver packages (beyond 18.Q3) officially support 4.15.x kernels or not.
Here is a screenshot (edited with arrows) from AMD's driver download page.
Anyone else find this utterly confounding?
Any insight into this is appreciated!
Also, if the release note is no longer relevant, does anyone know of a way to alert AMD's webmaster or whomever about maybe updating the website?