After many many months jerking around with rysen master and trying to get it cleanly installed without producing Windows event viewer errors, I finally had enough and uninstalled it. I do not overclock my pc anyway so no need for it. However, even after uninstalling it I am still getting Ryzen Master errors in Event Viewer! Here is the error: The AMDRyzenMasterDriverV22 service failed to start due to the following error:
Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
I uninstalled Ryzen Master so why is it still producing errors? How can I get rid of this once and for all? "short of going team green and dealing with their issues. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
The APP is uninstalled but a registry could still be there. Try a good uninstaller and registry cleaner and look for Ryzen Master entries.
I manually went through the registry and took out all Ryzen Master references. Been smooth sailing ever since, No more Ryzen Master errors in the event viewer.
Why the hell are so many DAU's bashing just AMD 😱🧐
Why no one is complaining about all the crap that Microsoft constantly creates???
Why doesn't someone ask the question:
I uninstalled game bar and all the Xbox related stuff from Windows 11 Pro a long time ago and have never had a issue with them coming back. So I don't know how to help you.