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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Is there a way to hide the radeon settings system tray with a registry entry?

In my case I'm running a Radeon R5 340X on Windows 10 running Radeon Software version 16.6; however I think this may apply more broadly.

I'm in a situation where I am imaging computers and do not want radeon settings exposed to the end user.  You can hire the software in the system tray, by clicking on it, but I'm wondering if you can put in a registry entry to apply it to all users?

Thank you.

3 Replies

You can disable it in the control panel >

Well that's...somewhat helpful, but my context is imaging tons of computers, and I'd rather script something in MDT that could set this rather than having to do it manually.  Also, I'm guessing this setting is per user, and not per computer.  I was really wondering if there is a per computer solution that could be completed by putting an entry in the registry.


Sorry, I misread. Questions like that should be directed to AMD >  Email Form