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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

Is Freesync no longer supported for Samsung CF791?

So I bought my Vega 64 and Samsung CF791 monitor in the deals when they were first launched.

Since 18.1.1, it seems I lost Freesync when using a Displayport cable (tried numerous cables, same result with each). I then moved onto HDMI. At this time I changed to a Vega 64 LC. Then since 18.2 roughly, It seems I have lost Freesync all together.

It's definitely a software issue as reinstalling 18.1.1 gives me nice smooth Freesync game play.

At the moment I get ''less'' tearing using HDMI, and unbearable tearing with Display port.

If it's no longer being supported, why would AMD market this monitor with the launch of Vega?

To confirm: Freesync Ultimate Engine is enabled on the monitor. Freesync is ''ON'' on Radeon Settings. I've experimented with Chill and FRTC, but these remain off. I've experimented with individual game profiles with AMD optimized Freesync and Freesync ON.

74 Replies

LC34F791WQUXEN here also.


Mine is the EN Version.

Im in contact with the Samsungsupport and hopefully they can tell me how i can read out my Firmwareversion and if the Customersupport can update my Device.


They will not hand out the update to customers, only their Servicepartners can have it.


Sounds like the update is a specialised update for a specific issue concerning the model and not meant as a general update for everyone.

Or the update is to be used for troubleshooting a specific issue on certain models.

Adept II

I'm not sure the problem is on Samsung's side. I mean freesync works perfectly fine in 17.12.x versions. It only stopped working in the recent updates (from 18.x.x and up i think). What makes this confusing though is that not everyone is experiencing the problem. And if engineering can't reproduce it, obviously they can't fix it.

Hate to say it, but I think we're running out of luck...

Journeyman III

Hi, I experienced the same problem with the same solution: my Vega 56 on a LG 27UD58 could not do freesync under the newest Adrenalin drivers (18.2.1 and 18.3.4), but after a little research I found that others had the same problem and uninstalling the Adrenalin driver with DDU and installing 17.11.4 Crimson did solve the problem, now the Freesync works. Here is the post  where I found the solution:

I previously owned a R9 390 with the same monitor and a crimson driver (cant remember which but I used it June-July 2017 and assume with the latest drivers) and the freesync worked fine.

Please AMD investigate where lies the problem in your drivers because I'm pretty sure that a lot more people have the same problem, they just don't bother to research and post about it.

Nothing new with 18.4.1.

Community Manager

What are your full system specs? Please include reproduction steps.


Reproduction steps is nothing special really.

1. Fresh Windows install

2. Driver 18.4.1 install

3. Install and launch any game and observe the frames?

This is what i tried and the issue is still present. Downgrade to 17.12.x and freesync is working flawlessly (like i showed in the clip above).


I have the exact same issues, and downgrading to pre-Adrenalin drivers also fixes it. My monitor is a AOC G2460PF and I have tried three different drivers for it (official and two betas), but nothing changed.

I'm running W10 1803, a Ryzen 5 1600, RX580 with 18.4.1 installed.

Also, I know the Windmill demo is old tech and shouldn't be taken in consideration, but it works with previous drivers and it actually seems to be the one application to give a glimpse of what the problem may be, where it can be noticed what looks like a wild refresh rate variation, causing flickering and massive stuttering.

Also, since the overlays where introduced with Adrenalin, maybe they are worth taking a look.


Please try the fix above regarding disabling Windows DVR.


Here is my DXDiag:


Maybe something changed in the recent drivers in the way it handles Freesync and older monitors implementation of the tech is now outdated for it to work properly?

Adept II

AMD are you still into this?

Any news about it?

Community Manager

I have created a ticket with engineering and they are looking into it. The problem is we don't have very many reports, just a few users with this monitor, and i myself have not been able to reproduce the issue despite having the same monitor and graphics card. I'll update the thread if and when i have anything to share.

Just an update, we are still looking into this issue.

See below answer on how I solved the "Freesync not working issue" by activating Vsync.

amdmatt​ - What is the status of this issue? When using google I find more people complaining about this in different forums.

I have a C34F791 with a Vega 64 Liquid Cooled via HMDI 2.0 and the same issue. Since beginning of the year Freesync is not working correctly - I still have Tearing and stuttering. Games are WoW, Pubg, GTA V, Battlefield 1 and some smaller Steam games.


I tried 18.1.1 / 18.2.1 / 18.3.1 / 18.5.2 - Freesync doesn't work and still occasional black screens happen

I reset my monitor - nothing changed.

I tried different settings in games and drivers - no changes

--> I switchted to 17.11.4 (same for 17.12.2) and FREESYNC WORKS. (wow - what a smooth gameplay!!)

So this is obviously an issue with the Adrenaline 18.x.x drivers as reported in this thread and other threads on the Internet.

Dear AMD, dear amdmatt​ - please fix this issue.

My guess:

In all the 18.x.x drivers I have no Freesync Flickering. With 17.x.x I do have flickering. Maybe that is connected?

Steps I took (for you to reproduce?)

- uninstall existing AMD drivers using Windows/programs & restart

- using amdcleanuputility & restart

- installing new driver with all except the Bethasomthing launcher

- enabling HBCC to 11786 MB

- enabling FRTC to 98 FPS

- loading Wattman profile (P6 1100mV / P7 1150mV / 1120 MHz HBM / 950mV HBM / target temp to 60°C / Powertarget +40%)

- loading Samsung Monitor driver for HDMI 2.0

- restart PC

- start game World of Warcraft since it has lots of tearing usually


My PC:

Windows 10 x64 Pro 1803 (same issue before creators update)

AMD Ryzen 1700x on Asus Crosshair VI

BeQuiet Dark Power 850W

16 GB FlareX RAM

Vega64 Liquid Cooled

Samsung 34CF791 with Freesync Ultimate enabled / Gaming mode off and using the Samsung driver

HDMI 2.0 cable

HBCC on/off makes no difference

Do you need any additional information? What can I / the community do to support with the analysis?


After extensive testing and reading through forums I found information about Freesync and Vsync. From previous days I remember that Vsync is bad because it adds a lot of Input Lag and the mouse movement doesn't feel that direct. Therefore I never used Vsync.

When I finally got Freesync with my Vega 64 and CF791 I again did not activate it. With Freesync activated and FRTC set to 98 Hz I enjoyed perfectly smooth gameplay without tearing as advertised by AMD until driver version 17.12.2.

With 18.1.1 it seems that some changes have been introduced to Freesync - without Vsync activated I have Tearing in all games. Activating Vsync solves that problem. (or me at least).

With Freesync active, Vsync works differently. It eliminates the tearing completely without additional Input Lag. And it works as a FPS Limiter so you always stay within Freesync Range (top end at least).

Open questions - answer appreciated:

1.) If FPS = Monitor refresh rate (Hz), do I then have the extra Input Lag? So is it recommended to use a FPS limiter to never hit the monitor's refresh rate?

2.) Is the following true?

Using Frame Rate Target Control (FRTC) in the Radeon Settings to limit the FPS to stay within Freesync Range adds a similar amount of input Lag as VSync according to "the internet". Use the ingame settings / configs to limit the FPS instead. If not possible, use the tool RTSS (Riva Tuner Statistics Server).


- Activate Freesync in Monitor, check in Radeon Settings if Freesync is active

- Activate VSync in the Game Options if you still experience tearing. (if ingame not possible, use Radeon Settings)

- (optional) Use ingame Frame Limiter or RTSS / FRTC to prevent the FPS hitting VSync. (see above questions)

- Enjoy smooth Gameplay.


Is it possible to provide this information to the users? I mean others than in some forums? I cannot find this information in the Radeon Center nor in my GPU manual (who reads manuals anyway...). And I find many people asking the same questions; having the same confusion as I did for not using VSync.

Providing the AMD customers with the needed information is a WIN-WIN-Situation!!

For the Customer - they enjoy smooth gameplay as advertised

For AMD - you guys have less unnecessary support work and can deal with the real problems

I can imagine having a tutorial / information window within Radeon settings explaining all the different settings and their effect. I guess Chill, EnhancedSync and the others also are not easy to understand for many users.


Unfortunately I cannot confirm your solution, at least not for my setup.

I have a ASUS ROG Strix RX580 OC and the Samsung LC34F791WQUXEN, with Windows 10 and Driver 18.8.1 installed.

With FreeSync in the Monitor and the driver activated, I can easily observe tearing. The game it anois me the most is Overwatch. So I tried your solution and of cause, with vsync activated and frames limited to 98fps in the game graphics options the tearing is gone, BUT first of all it reduces my fps constantly to approx 50fps (don't know why) and the input lag nearly doubles (from 10.x avg 14.x max to 20 avg 20.x max). Even if I set the frame limit to 48 not to hit the vsync that seems to be 50fps for some reason, that does not make any difference to the input lag.

So I would really ask AMD to fix this problem in the driver.


Please try 18.8.2.

At the moment FS via DP is working for me.


Just tried 18.9.1, no changes, Freesync over DP not working at all.


With 18.9.1 Freesync via Displayport is working again, but also im noticing a slight flickering in WoW and the Witcher3.

Plz try the G-Force Pendelum Demo to check is it works. The Windmilldemo is quite a mess.


I got a success with 18.9.1 and made it working in Overwatch by:

  • Setting Freesync in the Monitor to "Ultimate Engine"
  • Using a Custom Profile for the game in the Radeon Settings with:
    • FreeSync set to "AMD Optimized"
    • Vertical Refresh set to "Enhanced Sync"
    • Frame Limiter disabled
  • In Overwatch
    • No V-Sync
    • Frame Limit to 300 (so no limit)

With this settings tearing is gone and the input lag as shown in the game is even lower than before.


Thanks for sharing.

FreeSync with absolutely no tearing is solved by using Vsync additionally as described above. But I still have the random black screens.... 😞


If you want you can delete this post. Click on "Actions" and then click on "Delete".


It might be still useful information which is why I did not delete it.

The bigger problem is that my post with a possible solution is not very visible to other readers.


mungo​ do you also have a black screen/signal loss issue? And are you using DP or HDMI?


Yes i know this issue while using DP and 17.12.1.

At the moment im using the latest Driver and HDMI.


I think the freesync and signal loss (with DP) are somehow connected to each other. As far as i know amdmatt​ has none of these problems, but we have both of them.

And also, turning off freesync in radeon settings permanently resolves the signal loss issue.

Adept I

I recently tried to go back to display port cable to see how freesync was on that but when I open a game, such as league of legends, the screen goes blank, and cuts out and I can only view league with freesync disabled. on 18.4.1 at the mo.


Exactly the same thing here...

Journeyman III

So i have a Gigabyte RX Vega 64 OC and a CF791.

I ran in some serious bugs with this setup.

1. Drivers 18.5.1 and 18.5.2 give me a framelock at 75 fps with freesync and vsync or enhanced Sync on. With vsync off framelock is gone but stuttering occurs.

The 75 Fps lock with Vsync and Freesync can only be fixed for me when i downgrade to Driver 17.12.2. (Haven´t tried other 18 Drivers besides 18.5.1 and 18.5.2)

2. When im fresh booted and i start a windowed application like Valley Benchmark the sytem gets total unresponsive. Hardwaremonitoring laggs like hell and i cant      click things on the taskbar. The funny thing is when i turn the CF791 off and on the lag problem ist gone till i reboot.

Resolved the lag issue by uninstalling Roccat Swarm Software.

The system lag issue still there. i found its a windows 10 1803 problem. I downgraded to build 1709 and the lag was gone. Testet an entire day. Tried 18.5.1, 18.5.2 and 17.12.2 no lag with 1709 in windowed mode.

3. Im now running  17.12.2 drivers. The framelock is gone. Freesync is smooth. But i have this stupid blackscreen issue via DP.

All testet on fresh Install of windows 10 pro 1803. Freesync Engine setting Standard or Ultimate makes no change to the Problems.

Hope this helps a little to find a fix.


Adept II

Any news yet? At least if AMD could fix the tearing/freesync i would be really grateful. The black screens is not so big of an issue as i'll be switching to HDMI 2.0 when i get a new gpu anyway.

Adept I

Freesync still broken on 18.7.1.  Sigh..

Still broken on 18.8.1 with CHG70 Freesync 2 monitor and Vega64 LC =\ WTHell AMD????