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PC Drivers & Software

Adept II

Investigating the reason for the slow start-up of Adrenaline Software (Help wanted)

Hello community,

After being a bit fed up with getting no response and no explanation as to why it takes so long for the Adrenaline software to start up, I've started to investigate why it takes so long for the Adrenaline software to start and be available. I've found out a few things but I'd like your help to see if together we can find out why or get people from AMD (I know there are some on this forums) to clarify or let us know the problem.

After noticing that the Adrenaline software does not appear in the Windows start-up programs, I wondered how it could possibly start when Windows starts up. Searching for information on the internet, I found out that it can be done via the Windows registry. After poking around in the Windows registry, I found these two paths used by the AMD software:



The most interesting is the second one, where there is a variable that caught my attention after seeing its value: InitDelay. This variable had a decimal value of 60, which was the number of seconds it took for the icon to appear in the system tray after timing it during a normal start-up. After changing the value to 0 and restarting, when logging in with my user the icon appears almost instantly. Surprised I went to right click on it but I saw that it was not loaded at all, only these three options appeared (My system is not in English, so translations may not be accurate):

  • Open AMD Software: Adrenaline Edition

  • Video profiles

  • Hide system tray

To display all options when right-clicking on the icon:

  • Open AMD Software. Adrenaline Edition

  • Video profiles

  • Start AMD Audio Noise Suppression -> This one

  • Hide system tray

It takes five minutes timed from system start-up. When I saw that number, I looked at another variable in the above path, the one called UnloadDelay which has a decimal value of 300... which in seconds is five minutes. To test, I changed the value to 0 and restarted the computer to retime the time it takes to show the full menu. It came back to five minutes. I set the value back to 300, as the change had no effect, but I know that something happens after five minutes because when testing by right clicking on the icon, the three options come up quickly until something is 'done' to make the fourth one appear. The Windows cursor appears with the blue circle and the fans speed up a bit for a few seconds.

Still, when you click to open Adrenaline, it takes another 25 seconds for the screen with your games, metrics and everything else to appear. So on my system the original situation was (if you didn't open the software manually):

60 seconds (delay) + 5 minutes + 25 seconds = Almost 6 and a half minutes.


0 seconds + 5 minutes + 25 seconds = Almost 5 and a half minutes.

But if you manually open the Adrenaline software when the icon appears in the system tray when you log in with your user:

0 seconds + 25 seconds = Almost half a minute.

Since I don't know what else to try anymore, I come here to see if anyone can think of what else we can try (we can't get any worse) or share your values to see if we all have the same value or different values.

Best regards.

13 Replies
Adept II

Thanks for at least trying to uncover what could be going on with this.

I saw you write on my post on this same AMD blog, so thanks for trying some stuff out. More and more people seems to be noticing this problem, which is good.

AMD-Vik over at Reddit said this a week ago:

Now, back at testing stuff.

For the sake of measuring time, I use the Up Time count you can find on Task Manager > Performance Tab and clicking on CPU, on the bottom of the page.


If I install 24.12.1 and let Windows 10 initialize normally, looking at the Up Time timer, Adrenaline initially shows up on the task bar at 1:25 Minutes, dead on. Game profiles will take a bit longer to react if you start a game right away, though, unless as I said on my post, you manually open Adrenaline first.


If by the time Windows has already booted and you are on the desktop, you can Right Click on Desktop, open Adrenaline that way and a few seconds later Adrenaline will be open just fine, and game profiles will also work no issue.

There is some people over at Reddit that mentioned having to add Adrenaline to their Startup folder so that it initialized at a reasonable time (

I have honestly ran out of ideas on what to try, so my defeat plan is to just stay on 24.3.1, as it is fine for me right now, and if I ever need to run 24.12.1 or upwards and the issue persists, I'll just eat my pride and add Adrenaline to the Startup folder.

Let me be clear. The user SHOULD NEVER HAVE TO DEPEND OR RELY ON THESE METHODS in order for software (specially GPU software) to work, because it is not intended to having to be initialized that way, but I'm honestly exhausted of trying to figure out the issue.

After formatting twice (two different computers), updating BIOS and having to re-set up my whole Windows just to realize that, in fact, this issue wasn't on my side, I'm just tired. I hope they fix it somehow...

Again, thanks for the insight and attempts to fix it. I'll be around checking replies or further info about this topic. And if you want to get in touch via Discord or something to discuss the topic in a more fluent way, let me know how or where to add you or something!



Thank you very much for stopping by to comment. Seeing the tests you have done, showing that in a clean install of Windows the problem persists, makes it clear to me that it can't be my computer's fault. Hopefully Vik will listen to us (I've replied in the Reddit thread linking to here) and talk to the engineers, maybe seeing what I've posted will help them discover the cause.


About adding us on Discord, I wouldn't have a problem but if we manage to make progress on something, I'd prefer it to be written here as a follow up so that more people or AMD's own people can see if they manage to fix the problem.


But as I say, with your tests of clean Windows installations where you manage to replicate the problem, there is little more I can prove other than gossiping through the Windows registry.

The option of adding the application shortcut to the start menu has the disadvantage that the application opens in the foreground as soon as the computer is turned on and if it is uninstalled or the reference to the original file is lost, if the shortcut is not deleted from the startup folder it can cause problems (from what I have read) when the computer is turned on.



Regarding the option of adding Adrenaline to the Startup folder on Windows, it really shouldn't cause any issues even if the reference to the original file was lost. It would be the same as Windows trying to open a file that isn't there anymore and all you'd have to do is get rid of it from said folder

(For context, I'm talking about the folder you can open if you do Win + R and type shell:Startup)

All you'd have to do theoretically is to add a shortcut to Adrenaline itself in there. If it ever came to it and the issue we are facing persisted in the future and I was forced to install 24.12.1 or future drivers that still had the slow start issue, I'll just do that. But I'll be very sad to have to rely on such a hacky method.

About adding on Discord, it'd be a great option in case we found out something new about this, and for the fact that I don't visit these blogs that often. Though I just now noticed that there is no option for sending eachother Private Messages (I believe we have to reach Adept II rank if I read correctly somewhere else).

I'll be super happy if they managed to fix this annoying issue in the foreseeable future.

Cheers! And thanks again!

Ah ok, thanks for the clarification. I'll try to see if with the option to add it to the startup folder there is a way to not open it when I turn on the laptop, either by passing a parameter in the shortcut or something. If I manage to do it I'll indicate it here, that would be enough for me.

Don't worry about Discord, as you say, I can't send private messages yet. Anyway, thanks for your comments.


Hey @Aker666 . Hope you're doing fine.

I think I found a way to make Adrenalin open on the System Tray only when adding it to the Startup Folder.

Searching a bit more I stumbled across this other AMD Blog post. Check the Solution. >>

OP says that adding a shortcut of "C:\Program Files\AMD\CNext\CNext\LauncherRSXRuntine.exe" to the Startup Folder instead of Adrenalin directly makes the software run on startup in the System Tray.

Right now I can't test it myself until I'm back home in a couple days, so if you were able to test it I'd be forever grateful


EDIT: 3 hours after the message above I had to end up coming back home and with nothing to do I decided to try it myself. 

I went ahead and uninstalled my 24.3.1 and reinstalled once again 24.12.1 to test yet another hacky workaround.

IT WORKED. Adding a LauncherRSXRuntime.exe shortcut to the shell:Startup folder literally worked as we wanted it to. It initializes Adrenaline on the System Tray only, it doesn't show up open on your desktop. It initializes it at about ~20 seconds uptime and game profiles work right away as intended.

Adding the LauncherRSXRuntime.exe shortcut to the shell:Startup folder will also create a visible entry on Task Manager for said executable, as show below: 

So far I haven't seen any oddities. Will keep 24.12.1 installed and this startup workaround on place and test for a few days. As always, I'll post here if I see anything out of the ordinary.

Feel free to test it out yourself and let me know how it goes for you


@AMD-Vik Hello Vik, sorry again for pestering you with this topic. Do you reckon we'd run into any issues by initializing Adrenaline this way?


Hi @MARLmk1 ,

Thank you very much for your input. I've been wondering for a few days why AMD Noise Suppression appeared in the startup tab but not Radeon Software (which is the process that opens AMD Adrenaline Software).

Old ValuesOld ValuesProcessProcess

It turns out that because of that, I thought the shortcut to add in the home folder was RadeonSoftware.exe, but adding that one made the application open right after login. I hadn't noticed the file you mention, LauncherRSXRuntime.exe, as it doesn't have an associated icon so I didn't notice it.

As I mentioned, I was puzzled as to why AMD Noise Suppression was appearing in the startup tab. Searching the internet and finally asking ChatGPT, I found the answer.

It turns out that there are 3 options for scheduling a task to run at boot time:

1. Adding the shortcut to the startup folder: simpler but bad practice.

2. Creating a task in the Windows task manager: More complex but gives more control.

3. Editing the Windows registry: More complex and risky, but the recommended way in Windows.

After that, I checked which option the AMD Noise Suppression process used to run at system startup and appear in the list of processes at startup. This is when I discovered that it uses option 3. When it comes to adding a process to the system startup, there are two possibilities:

1. Current user: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

2. All users: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE_Software: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE_Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

The AMD Noise Suppression registry entry is found in the path for the current user:

Registry entriesRegistry entries

So what I did was to add a new entry in that folder:

1. Right click on the Run folder.

2. Select New > String value.

3. As a name, following the AMD scheme with the AMDNoiseSuppression value, I decided to call it AMDRadeonSoftware.

4. Add the full path to the LauncherRSXRuntime.exe executable in double quotes.

5. Click Accept.

6. Exit the registry editor and restart your laptop/computer.

Now, when the computer starts up and after logging in to your user, the icon appears almost instantly and in the task manager you can see that it loads quite a few processes, among them the RadeonSoftware.

New ValuesNew Values

I assume this is what you mean by ensuring that the game profiles are applied correctly. Anyway, I must point out that in my case (confirm me if it's the same in your case) right clicking on the icon in the system tray doesn't show me the full menu (the option to start AMD Noise Suppression doesn't appear) and if I click on open AMD Adrenaline Software it takes me about 25 seconds to load and open.

However, after restarting the computer again and writing this answer, after a while I decided to right click again on the system tray icon and I saw that the AMD Noise Suppression option appeared and when I clicked to open AMD Adrenaline Software it opened immediately... more than 5 minutes had passed, as I had indicated in the original post if you didn't open the software manually. Does the same behaviour happen with the shortcut in your case?

To be honest, I think we are making good progress between the two of us in trying to find out what is going on or to find a workaround while there is no official word.

Please @AMD-Vik, could you shed some light on this issue, is there any official version?

Best regards.

Hey @Aker666 

Regarding the AMD Noise Suppresion, I've always noticed it showing up on the Startup Apps list, so they must be initializing it that way for some special reason. Notice how the path of that Registry entry targets a .exe that resides within system32.

However, I've always kept AMD Noise Suppresion disabled both in startup and on the Adrenalin software itself, so I've never been particularly bothered with it.
"I assume this is what you mean by ensuring that the game profiles are applied correctly. Anyway, I must point out that in my case (confirm me if it's the same in your case) right clicking on the icon in the system tray doesn't show me the full menu (the option to start AMD Noise Suppression doesn't appear) and if I click on open AMD Adrenaline Software it takes me about 25 seconds to load and open."

My issue with game profiles not applying correctly was somehow related to the software initializing that slow initially, for some unknown reason.

But on the full menu question, you are right. With my method, I can right click the System Tray icon right away after it shows up and I get these 3 options

Screenshot 2024-12-15 175013.png

But if I wait precisely those 5 minutes you originally mentioned, the icon stops responding for a few seconds (yes, I was right clicking it every 10 seconds for 5 minutes lol) and after that it now shows the 4 options

Screenshot 2024-12-15 175523.png

However, I haven't seen any indicator that this has any effect on how profiles apply, or how other functions such as Screenshots, Recording, Metrics or other features work.

On the topic of which method is best or worst for initializing Adrenaline via the use of LauncherRSXRuntime.exe, I agree with the fact that making an entry on the Registry is probably the best option, but functionally-wise they are about the same for my case.

The main reasons for why I'll continue using the Startup folder method (which runs Adrenaline at about ~20 seconds of uptime) are:

1.) Avoid any kind of potential conflict with a custom Task I have set up in Task Scheduler where I apply a PBO2 undervolt to my 5800X3D at System Login. I remember having a conflict in the past with a completely different application that also ran at startup messing up with PBO2, so having Adrenaline start this way with a tiny little delay gives me that personal peace of mind.

2.) If by the time future Adrenaline and driver versions are released and this issue is resolved or dealt with, all I have to do is remove that shortcut, instead of fiddling with Registry entries. Pure personal convenience at this point.


Again, it is a bit sad that we've had to end up relying on such a method, which doesn't guarantee that it works the same in the future if the issue happens to persists, but it's an effective band-aid for our common issue for the time being.

Hopefully other people having the same issue can now find this thread and they now have a very detailed and properly formatted guide of sorts on how to deal with this annoyance.

Cheers! ^_^

Hi @MARLmk1 ,


Thank you for confirming that the 5 minute wait is not something that affects only my system, I see it happening to more people if AMD Adrenaline Software is not explicitly opened. Also for pointing out that not waiting for that does not affect the loading of game profiles, I was wondering if it could affect it.


As for the method of adding the process to startup, I fully understand that it is a choice of tastes or needs of each user.


Thanks again for your time and help.


Regards! ^_^

The way I understand the Adrenaline startup process from zero to that 5 minute mark, it's like it initially starts on sort of a "light mode" (where if you open it right away it will take a few seconds to react) and if you wait past those 5 minutes, double clicking on it will bring it up on your screen almost instantly, as if it didn't fully load in the background until that time mark.

It shouldn't have any effects from what I'm seeing.


This is by design, it takes some time for our SW processes to fully initialise from user login but after that mark, interacting with Adrenalin should be near instantaneous.


I am still curious about other parts of this experience, however. Generally speaking, we shouldn't need full SW readiness for game profile settings to take effect. Is that still the case for 25.3.1?


Hi @AMD-Vik , I cannot tell you because I am affected by this Known Issue:

After completing a driver upgrade on certain laptops, users may experience intermittent failures for the integrated camera to start. Users experiencing this issue are recommended to use the AMD Cleanup Utility for Windows® and use our previous recommended driver, available here.

So I had to go back to version 24.12.1, as I need the camera to work properly. Yesterday I have submitted a ticket with the bug reporting tool with the tag FORUM-25-3-1-Aker666, in case the information from my system can help you to solve the problem.




This post got me looking yesterday. I was like "Slow startup. I didn't notice any slow startup." Then when i tried it, it never displayed, which i have seen before. So down the amd time sink hole (the time sink required to look into basic functionality that just works with nvidia) I went.

I had a game profile for a browser so that i could turn off freesync because videos would cause flickering with my oled. I noticed that if a game/profile is being used that adrenaline had some issues. It took several attempts to kill the adrenaline process.

I always had the noise suppression service disabled in startup. To solve this issue, I also disabled the crash defender service. Then deleted my custom added profile. Seems like when there is a profile that adrenaline tries to load that profile and display it at startup. I don't use any of adrenaline's OC or monitoring, and wish i could simply disable it all. I will see if this actually fixes anything and i do not know if the reported slow startup and what i saw are related. Good luck.

Journeyman III

same problem, no video profiles.

I tried your regedit config, but still not working.

Can't see the icon on the tray.