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PC Drivers & Software

Adept II

Integer Scaling centering problem

Hi, I have a problem with the 'Integer scaling'. I am able to turn it on and it's working when it comes down to pixel sharpness and all, but the game screen position is not centered on the monitor (my monitor resolution is 1920x1080), instead it is always positioned on the top center of the screen and I can't seem to change it. Here are my settings and specs:


If I change 'Scaling mode' to 'Center' or 'Full panel' it doesn't change the position of the game screen. I'm on Windows 10 and I have the latest updates.

Has anyone faced a similar issue before? Thanks in advance.

2 Replies
Adept I

YES! I am having the same problem! I have contacted AMD support twice about this. First time they barely helped and just suggested reseting drivers. I have sent another support ticket about this. This needs to be addressed in an upcoming driver update.


Have you solved? I've same issue

Driver 21.10.2