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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Installed amd OVERDRIVE thinking it works for ryzen CPUs and before I could even use the program it blue screened and my PC won't correctly even after CMOS reset


Hello amd forum,

I have recently decided to switch over from Intel to the ryzen series from amd with your new 2600 processor and thought that the AMD overdrive software was also for the ryzen series processors. And that turns out not to be the case, but the programme blue screened my pc right as I clicked on 'yes' when it asks you about knowing the risk of overclocking.

I have a motherboard where to reset CMOS I need to take out the cable, which I did, but I still can't boot properly.

Please help me out, I was really excited for my new upgrade from an old 6th gen i3

Kind regards,


8 Replies

Yes, Overdrive is the reason for your BSOD.

Need to give your computer information as per AMD Forum rules: INFORMATION REQUIRED WHEN POSTING A QUESTION


If you can enter "SAFE MODE", try and uninstall Overdrive, then download and install Ryzen Master which is the AMD Software that is used to configure and use Ryzen CPU/APUs.

If you have Windows 10, restart the computer about three times before it boots to Windows and you should reach a Repair Windows Menu. Then try to restore your computer to the point before you installed Overdrive.



My pc specifications:

Video card: gigabyte aourus gtx 1060 3gb

Laptop or desktop: Desktop pc

Software: windows 10 64 bit

Driver: newest Nvidia driver that was available as of 23th of June for the gtx 1060 3gb

Display device: AOC G2460PF 24" Gaming Monitor 144 hz freesync

Ram: mushkin 8gb ddr4 ram


Psu:Corsair Builder Series CX 430 Watt ATX 80 bronze

harddrive: WD Green 2 TB Desktop Hard Drive: 3.5 Inch, SATA III, 64 MB Cache - WD20EZRXWD

Motherboard + BIOS: GIGABYTE GA-AB350N-Gaming WIFI (rev. 1.0) AM4 AMD B350 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.1 HDMI Mini ITX AMD Motherboard (sorry for bigger text, typing from mobile) newest bios installed as of June 23th

My pc is now being diagnosed at a pc store and I will hear back  them soon. If they can't figure it out I will definitely try out your recommended solution.

Thanks for the reply!

Kind regards,



Hi, just ran into this today but got mine fixed thankfully. Overdrive crashed my pc and it wouldn't boot, finally on the 7th or 8th try I got in long enough to uninstall Overdrive. System restore failed for me.

Anyway, Ryzen Master is the program we should use? I have a 2700x and am having trouble finding temp monitoring software.


For a Rzyen CPU/APU - Ryzen Master is designed by AMD to monitor and configure Ryzen CPU/APUs.  So I would use that software to configure and monitor your Rzyen (Temperature, voltages, etc).

But if you try to configure Ryzen with Ryzen Master make sure you know what you are doing. You can cause something similar to what happened in Overdrive. If you want to Overclock your Ryzen it is best to do it through your BIOS.

You can download the latest Ryzen Master for your Ryzen 7 2700x from here: AMD Ryzenâ„¢ 7 2700X Drivers & Support | AMD

Here is a Ryzen Master Quick Reference guide for version 1.4 :

Here is the Rzyen Master Overclocking Guide :​

By the way, I would suggest getting a stronger PSU than the one you have installed. You have the minimum recommended PSU for a GTX 1060 (450 watt PSU): PSU REQUIREMENTS - RealHardTechX . But your PSU should be strong enough for now unless you add more hardware or upgrade some of your hardware.

You can input your computer's Hardware at this PSU Calculator Website and it will show you how strong of a PSU you need: Power Supply Calculator - PSU Calculator | OuterVision

Adept I

I ran into the same problem. Here's how I fixed and it has helped several others:

Couldn't boot into Safe Mode because Microsoft royally screwed F8 up, but if you hard reboot several times during Windows loading, it will reboot to allow you to boot into Troubleshooting Options. From there you can find Safe Mode through Startup Settings or if it still crashes in Safe Mode like mine did, just choose Command Prompt.

You'll need to launch DiskPart (just type that in) and then "List Disk", then select your main Disk, then List Volume and find the volume containing your main typical C drive. Write down the letter. Type Exit to get out of Disk Part.

Now type in that letter, for me it was "F:", then change your directory to where the Overdrive folder exists (use dir to display folders and files to find it). Again for me I entered: "CD Program Files (x86)\AMD\OverDrive\amd64". Type dir to see a list of the files, which should just be AODDriver2.sys. Type "del AODDriver2.sys" and restart your computer.

Thanks, this helped me get around that BSOD. Had to boot from USB to even get to a cmd prompt but it was easy after I got there. 

Adept II

For me, fix of that issue was to DISABLE AoD service in safe mode, then boot normal and uninstall it. Because Windows Installer doesn't start at safe mode, hope this can help for future issues. I try AMD Overdrive on intel system with AMD GPU

Journeyman III

In the BIOS just change the multiplier back to 21x by either using the "RESTORE DEFAULT SETTINGS" F# key or shut off the Turbo Core Control in the bios and F7 or F10 it depending on the BIOS version.