Hello, I am the proud owner of a Rx 580 card and I'm on Debian 9 (stretch)
I've been using AMD hardware for my desktops for >20 years - going back to the Rage 128 on my power mac
I'm currently using the open source amdgpu stack via Debian 9 (stable) with backports enabled.
However I am getting errors in some programs, for example, Blender, LuxCoreRender, etc.. (output from clinfo is below)
I was unable to install the amdgpu-pro driver either, using the supplied script.
Since Ubuntu is based on Debian I figured that this couldn't possibly be that difficult but rather than trying to figure it out myself with possible impact on stability (my machine is more stable now than it had been in a long time) I thought I should ask you first..
I'd like to do whatever it takes so that the pro driver is installed, without problems, and openCL and the Blender export tools work.
I want to be able to use openCL accelerated rendering to render optically complex materials like glass, clear plastic and water.
Can that be done without "breaking Debian" as they say? I am an intermediate level user and can compile software, edit scripts, etc.
Also, unrelated, I wanted to ask what the best compiler optimization flag string was for compiling software for Bulldozer. I am still on a Bulldozer machine.
Here (below) is the clinfo output as it is returned now.
Thank you!
I am very happy with my purchases, generally. Your products offer excellent value.
~$ clinfo
/usr/share/libdrm/amdgpu.ids version: 1.0.0
Number of platforms 1
Platform Name Clover
Platform Vendor Mesa
Platform Version OpenCL 1.1 Mesa 18.1.6
Platform Profile FULL_PROFILE
Platform Extensions cl_khr_icd
Platform Extensions function suffix MESA
Platform Name Clover
Number of devices 1
Device Name Radeon RX 580 Series (POLARIS10, DRM 3.25.0, 4.17.0-0.bpo.3-amd64, LLVM 6.0.0)
Device Vendor AMD
Device Vendor ID 0x1002
Device Version OpenCL 1.1 Mesa 18.1.6
Driver Version 18.1.6
Device OpenCL C Version OpenCL C 1.1
Device Type GPU
Device Profile FULL_PROFILE
Max compute units 36
Max clock frequency 1366MHz
Max work item dimensions 3
Max work item sizes 256x256x256
Max work group size 256
Preferred work group size multiple 64
Preferred / native vector sizes
char 16 / 16
short 8 / 8
int 4 / 4
long 2 / 2
half 8 / 8 (cl_khr_fp16)
float 4 / 4
double 2 / 2 (cl_khr_fp64)
Half-precision Floating-point support (cl_khr_fp16)
Denormals No
Infinity and NANs Yes
Round to nearest Yes
Round to zero No
Round to infinity No
IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add No
Support is emulated in software No
Correctly-rounded divide and sqrt operations No
Single-precision Floating-point support (core)
Denormals No
Infinity and NANs Yes
Round to nearest Yes
Round to zero No
Round to infinity No
IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add No
Support is emulated in software No
Correctly-rounded divide and sqrt operations No
Double-precision Floating-point support (cl_khr_fp64)
Denormals Yes
Infinity and NANs Yes
Round to nearest Yes
Round to zero Yes
Round to infinity Yes
IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add Yes
Support is emulated in software No
Correctly-rounded divide and sqrt operations No
Address bits 64, Little-Endian
Global memory size 8589934592 (8GiB)
Error Correction support No
Max memory allocation 6440266752 (5.998GiB)
Unified memory for Host and Device No
Minimum alignment for any data type 128 bytes
Alignment of base address 32768 bits (4096 bytes)
Global Memory cache type None
Image support No
Local memory type Local
Local memory size 32768 (32KiB)
Max constant buffer size 2147483647 (2GiB)
Max number of constant args 16
Max size of kernel argument 1024
Queue properties
Out-of-order execution No
Profiling Yes
Profiling timer resolution 0ns
Execution capabilities
Run OpenCL kernels Yes
Run native kernels No
Device Available Yes
Compiler Available Yes
Device Extensions cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_fp16
NULL platform behavior
clGetPlatformInfo(NULL, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, ...) Clover
clGetDeviceIDs(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, ...) Success [MESA]
clCreateContext(NULL, ...) [default] Success [MESA]
clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU) No devices found in platform
clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) Success (1)
Platform Name Clover
Device Name Radeon RX 580 Series (POLARIS10, DRM 3.25.0, 4.17.0-0.bpo.3-amd64, LLVM 6.0.0)
clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR) No devices found in platform
clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CUSTOM) No devices found in platform
clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL) Success (1)
Platform Name Clover
Device Name Radeon RX 580 Series (POLARIS10, DRM 3.25.0, 4.17.0-0.bpo.3-amd64, LLVM 6.0.0)
ICD loader properties
ICD loader Name OpenCL ICD Loader
ICD loader Vendor OCL Icd free software
ICD loader Version 2.2.11
ICD loader Profile OpenCL 2.1
This is a different problem it seems but quite similar to what's happening to me when I try to use the open source driver. Invariably Blender, LuxRender, etc, hang when trying to build the opencl kernel.
You could make a script available to properly set up the opencl drivers on other distros, then the packagers can use it as a starting point for their packagae
I realized that an old version of AMDAPPSDK v 3 was installed and just removed it That may help. Rebooting now.
If I can get Blender to work with the open source stack that would be enough for me right now.
I'm going to see if I can extract some debugging info from the crashes as described here:
I just wanted to add here that I managed to resolve this problem by some basic stuff with the installer (force quitting it in order to do a partial install) - to get OpenCL 1.2 and 2 support and my graphics apps which depend on it working well on my Debian box for now,
But its ugly.