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PC Drivers & Software


igpu problem with Ryzen 5 7600x

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Hace 2 dias termine de armar mi pc Tengo UN

Ryzen 5 7600x

placa Madre tuf gaming b650 e wifi

GPU integrada

ram 16gb(8x2) ddr5 5200mhz  

psu XPG core reactor II 650W

air cooler hyper 212 black edition

monitor 1080p


el problema es que en cuanto instale windows 11, mire que mientras actualizaba drivers (desde la pagina de ASUS e incliso intente con la de AMD) la pantalla empezaba a parpadear, lo normal cuando actualizas controladores, pero aun despues de haber terminado, empecé a navegar para buscar juegos y demas y en El navegador la pantalla parpadeo (como cuando reinicias El controlador de video), no le puse mucha atencion a Eso y lo deje pasar, despues de que pasara aun despues de que reinicie la pc muchas veces seguia sucediendo, la pantalla sé detenia y despues sé apaga por 1 Segundo y volvia, intento cambiar los controladores y aun asi, tambien cuando entraba en adrenalin, sé crasheaba y cerraba El programa, igualmente cuando treated de abrir UN juego (Roblox) y cuando entre a UN juego, sé crasheo y El juego dejo de responder, desactive El MPO, desactive expo, asigne mas memoria en UMA FRAME BUZZER hasta 4gb, use El amd cleanup utility e incluso instale windows 10 tambien, ya instale tambien UN controlador que segun era mas estable, y aun nada, sigue Pasando, antes de instalar drivers y despues de instalar drivers, sigue pasando, por Momentos logre jugar Minecraft 100% vanila, mientras miraba UN video en youtube y Tenía multiples paginas abiertas y todo iba Bien, pero al momento que trate de PONER optifine en Minecraft, volvio a crashear, nisiquiera me dejaba entrar en El programa, el visor de eventos decia algo de black screen error, pero igualmente no longer resolver nada. 


ya no sé que hacer, necesito ayuda







2 days ago I finished assembling my PC I have a

Ryzen 5 7600x

Tuf gaming b650 e wifi motherboard

Integrated GPU

16gb(8x2) ddr5 5200mhz ram memory

XPG core reactor II 650W power supply

Hyper 212 black edition air cooler

1080p monitor

The problem is that as soon as I installed Windows 11, I saw that while updating drivers (from the ASUS page and even tried with the AMD page) the screen started to flicker, the normal thing when you update drivers, but even after finishing, I started browsing to search for games and such and in the browser the screen flickered (like when you restart the video driver), I didn't pay much attention to that and I let it go, after it happened even after i restart the pc many times it keeps happening, the screen would stop and then turn off for 1 second and come back, i tried to change the drivers and still, also when i entered adrenaline, it would crash and close the program, also when i tried to open a game (Roblox) and when i entered a game, it crashed and the game stopped responding, i deactivated the MPO, deactivated expo, assigned more memory in UMA FRAME BUZZER up to 4gb, used the amd cleanup utility and even installed windows 10 too, i also installed a driver that was said to be more stable, and still nothing, it keeps happening, before installing drivers and after installing drivers, it keeps happening, for moments i managed to play Minecraft 100% vanilla, while i was watching a video on youtube and i had multiple pages open and everything was going fine, but the moment i tried to PUT optifine in Minecraft, it crashed again, it wouldn't even let me enter the program, the event viewer said some black screen error, but it still doesn't solve anything.

I don't know what to do , I need help

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