i downloaded the appropriate driver for my 2400g ryzen 5 desktop apu, disabled the device driver auto updater in the hardware settings, restarted in safe mode, executed the ddu to clean ane reboot, installed the latest 18.8 drivers then rebooted and STILL THE SETTINGS TELL ME THE DRIVER ISNT INSTALLED
i dont have these issues in linux
only on this windows crap does one have these stupid issues
please advise
Any amd error code with that fail install ?
Is there a separate card with monitor connected ?
Not installing driver in safe mode ?
Some have issues with Win10 1803(not an IP build is it ?) attempting/installing another driver, recommended to disable/unplug router/IP device before driver install.
Im installing windows updates and i am 95 % complete and it is installing currently, feature update to wi dows 10 version 1803. what does that mean?
Means your being put on the newer build to your previous.
Here's a link you'll find handy for any OS issues/How-to/Tutorials https://www.tenforums.com/
Aftwr the update completed, the previos install of the so named adrenaline driver worked without any modification, which leads me to believe miscosoft blocked the install unless or until i updated my machine to the newer version
As soon as i get this program working indwr wine that i wznt im kicking windows to the curb
Under wine
The biggest problem with Win10 is it interfering(thinks it knows better) with device drivers. Causes headaches for many(or many hours trying to disable update functions).
Ask on tenforums about completely disabling Win updates if that's what you may want.
I had a similar problem with driver "Partially Installed". Different to your case my windows update feature was failing to install updates aswell. I had to manually reenble the service Windows Installer in services.msc. After that I could successfully install windows updates and the drivers for my display adapter.
Yah last time i did this my updates kept failing and rolling back... diffwtent machine crazy issues