I am trying to write to memory either the read or write doesn't work. I'm booting the code from my jump drive. The code is hexadecimal "bf 00 80 b8 03 03 ab be 00 80 b8 00 0e ac cd 10 ac cd 10".
In assembly that's:
mov di, 8000h
mov ax, 0303h
stos word ptr es:[di], ax
mov si, 8000h
mov ax, 000eh
lods byte ptr ds;[si], al
int 10
lods byte ptr ds;[si], al
int 10
I have tried adding the prefixes "66"h and "48"h so change the mode but it still does nothing. the result is either nothing printed or a space printed. I am so confused and I would appreciate any help possible.
PS. I did zero out "ds" and "es" before this code